When My Class Is Your Class’ Punishment

This happens every so often: I’ll be talking to other teachers about some discipline issue they experienced during the day where they had to dole out some kind of punishment. Then I’ll think to myself: Great. Here I am trying to teach kids in my middle school Language Arts class to love writing, to need writing, and to see its value in their lives, and this teacher is using it as a punishment. And no, this doesn’t happen frequently, but it still happens often enough. However, writing should not be a punishment. Writing should be seen as a diversion where students can express themselves and their ideas in creative and unique ways. Writing should be seen as the literary art that it is, no matter if students are writing an essay for class, a novel for Wattpad, a screenplay for a contest or even an entry in their own journal. Writing should be seen as an intensely personal endeavor that can serve them well as they continue through life. So punishing a student with a writing assignment does not sit well with me. After all, does punishing a student with the task of writing an essay actually curb the unwanted behavior? Or does it just compound the notion that writing is something to avoid, something no one would ever want or need to do? When should the act of writing — and, in a broader sense, the act of learning (since writing is one way we learn) — be a form of punishment?

Include flaws in your design and confounding variables. 3: implications for your findings including the significance and impact on the field as well as future research directions. 7. Reference page: Pay attention to APA style and refer to the example in your textbook. Abstract: Clear and concise review of most important components of the research study. Met the required word count. Measures or Instruments: Measures/instruments used in research study are identified and accurate. Procedure: Procedures for research study are identified and accurate. Ethical Issues: Presentation of possible ethical issues and solutions is clear and convincing and present APA ethical guidelines. Organization (16 points): Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, and Conclusion. Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence structure. APA Elements (24 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, and Quotations. Style (8 points): Audience, and Word Choice. In preparation for this particular section, answer the following questions thoroughly and provide justification/support. The more complete and detailed your answers for these questions, the better prepared you are to successfully write your final paper. Please submit your answers as a single 4- to 6-page document as a numbered list; this will ensure you do not inadvertently miss a question.

Additionally, please submit a title page and a reference page in proper APA format. What is your research question? What is your hypothesis or hypotheses? What is the null hypothesis? How many participants would you like to use and why? Assignment 2: Final Project: Introduction, Literature Review, and Methods Section Turn in the proposed methods section for your research paper as well as your introduction and literature review. The introduction and literature review should address your research question: why it is important, and how prior research does or does not support your hypothesis, as well as providing a background on what we know about this topic. Please refer to the material on the components of a research paper provided inModule 1 as you work on this document. Your methods section, in addition to covering the subheadings of participants, instruments, and procedure, must include a fourth subheading called ethical issues and note any ethical issues that need to be considered, as well as how they would be handled. Be sure to include a title/cover page and a reference page formatted in APA style.

6. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. 7. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project. Write a 7-9 page paper with bibliography. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Pocket Guide to APA Style to ensure in-text citations and reference list are correct. You will synthesize your understanding of why Medicare Part D passed, as well as the influence of the various interest groups and governmental entities during this process. Make sure to discuss both the policy process and the policy environment—that is, the key players involved and other circumstances that shaped this policy-making effort. • How did various stakeholder groups influence the final outcome of Medicare Part D legislation?

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