Describe the kind of society the tourists would find in Peru.
May 11, 2018
Patient Case Study Analysis Grading Criteria
May 11, 2018
Welcome to your final assignment for GAS C20! Take a deep breath: you’ve got this.
This assignment is open book, and offered in a take-home format. You are free to draw on
your notes and the course readings. You are also free to discuss the assignment with your
classmates, but please be aware that any submissions that are similar (ie. assignments that
discuss the same texts or make closely related arguments) will be very closely scrutinized for
issues of academic integrity. Engaging with your classmates in dialogue is perfectly fine.
Duplicating ideas is not. I assume your good faith in this respect, as I do when it comes to
plagiarism. I can’t stop you from exploring ideas online but I strongly caution you against
ANY form of copying text and ideas without references.
Please understand this: I have read a lot of your writing this term, and have gotten to know
your work. None of you need to commit any kind of academic dishonesty. You are a
strikingly thoughtful group of students. Your own work is likely to be better than anything you
could “borrow” from others or the internet so have confidence in your own ideas and skill. If
you need information to support your arguments, make sure to give proper references.
It is IMPERATIVE that you use proper citations to any texts, and include a ‘works cited’ or
bibliography at the end of your assignment. You are free to include references to texts
beyond our syllabus but you are not expected to do additional research.
Please submit your answers in Times New Roman 12 pt font. The word counts noted are
guidelines only.
1. Imagine yourself in conversation, or conducting an interview, with the author of your
favourite reading on the course syllabus. What questions would you raise related to
the themes of our course? Open your response with a paragraph summarizing the
author’s argument and a few lines explaining what you find compelling about this
particular reading. Then, present at least four questions that you would ask of the
author and explain why you would ask these questions.
500 words
25 points
2. Next, imagine that you are being asked to coordinate a new collaborative research
project on “gendering Global Asia”. You are asked to choose two authors of texts on
our syllabus whose work was assigned in different weeks/different themes, and who
write on different periods of history and different geographical identities, to become
collaborators on this future research project. These authors you choose must be
different than the author you discussed in question 1. Your response should
include these components:
a. an introduction including
i. a formulation/definition of “gendering” based on at least two course
ii. a formulation/definition of “Global Asia” based on at least two course
b. an explanation of the connections you see between the texts and authors you
have chosen;
c. an explanation of the differences you see between the texts and authors you
have chosen (other than the chronological and geographical context of their
d. a paragraph discussing how you imagine a research collaboration between
the authors you have chosen might add to scholarly discourse.
750-1000 words
50 points
3. You have the opportunity to revisit one week of our course seminar, and to create a
“Part 2” of our discussion. Present a plan for how you would continue discussion
including the following elements:
a. an introduction indicating which week/theme you’ve chosen and why;
b. a statement of your objective for “Part 2” of the seminar. This should include
discussion of what issues or ideas you want explore further, any primary
sources you would want to view or listen to, any exercises you would hope to
introduce to the participants;
c. an explanation of three (substantial) questions you would bring into the
seminar to lead discussion.
500 words
25 points
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