What is MLA Format in Assignment Writing with Example

Modern Language Association has set some rules to follow for writing certain works in the form of assignments to the students. These rules define a proper format of writing an assignment like essay, Research Paper, dissertation and thesis etc. This MLA format must be followed by the students for writing their assignments. Here are some examples of MLA format along with the rules which will help you to write your assignments in MLA format.

Double Space between two Lines and Words

While writing your assignments you must have the idea of how to do MLA format assignments. Students must keep this in mind that all the words must be typed in double space that is the space between two lines and two words should be double. This is the seventh edition of MLA which is comprises of this rule.

Times New Roman Font

There are so many fonts available while typing an assignment on your computer screen. But according to the latest instructions of MLA pattern of writing it is very important to follow Times New Romans font for writing your assignments. This font is considered as best for any sort of writing by the experts of modern language association. Students can take Modern language Association referencing guide to understand the proper format of writing in the best font. It will be very easy to write the assignments in MLA format by using this reference guide to the students.

The Size of Font must be 12 for Normal Paragraph

According to the strict instructions of MLA pattern of writing assignments the font of the words should be 12. It must not exceed to 12 at the same time using font small than 12 is also not correct according to the MLA format of writing assignments. It is very important to the students to keep a particular eye on the size of font, so that it does not increase and decrease to the defined set of instruction by MLA experts. Bullet points could be written in 14 sizes but the regular paragraph will be of 12 sizes only.

Citation Needed

Citation of the sources is must, in case you are writing your assignment in the format of MLA. A citation is the way of telling your readers that these are the resources that you have picked up for your research in the topic. The proper way of citation is to pick the name of the text, publication house, and page number. In case it is a website page, you can add the link of the website in the reference along with saying “N” page. This will show that either you are not known regarding the page number or the reference is given from a newspaper or website.

Example of MLA Format for Citation

Here is a MLA format example that is based on the citation on resources to the readers. Students can use this reference example while writing their own assignments.
For example you have to cite a reference of the book The Secret which is written by Rhonda Byrne. Then you will place the name of the author in first. The sir name of the author will be followed by first name. After that Name of the Book will be given in the citation along with the city of Publication and then year. There will be a full stop between the first name of author and at the end of the book name. City of publication will be followed by a comma and then at the end after publication year a full stop will be there.

Byrne Rhonda. The Secret. Atria Books Beyond Words Publishing, 2006.

Put the Name of the Text in Italics –

Whenever you put a quotation in your assignments like research paper, do not forget to mention its source in the bracket. This source could be mentioned with the name of the book followed by author name. There will be a comma in-between the name of book and author name. Do not forget to mention the page number from which you have taken this quotation. This must be known to the students while writing their assignments in MLA style that the name of the text is always written in Italics. Be that during the citation or in regular words. Always italicize the name of the book while writing your assignment.

Use of Three Periods or dots

When you have to break a quotation in between according to your requirement you can put three dots after the broken quotation which will imply that this is not complete quotation. If you are breaking it from the beginning or middle part in that case three periods need to put at the place from where you have modified it. In case the end of the quotation is broken you have to include the full stop as well making it thereby four periods.

Plagiarism is Offense in MLA Format

Your assignments must be unique and inspired by your own ideas; you will not be entertained in MLA format of writing if plagiarism is found in your assignments. To use someone else’ idea for your assignments is an offense according to the latest instructions of MLA format of writing. So consider this aspect of MLA format for writing any sort of research work of assignments. Be unique in your innovation about the topic of assignments and get good marks.

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