What concerns remain about the London Met police & their approach to BME issues & staff in relation to a) policing of crime b) employment


– specify pages used from the text for each answer and do not use any other sources except for this Case Study.

– use simple and clear language.


  1. What concerns remain about the London Met police & their approach to BME issues & staff in relation to
  2. a) policing of crime
  3. b) employment

Not less than 400 words


  1. With reference to witness evidence, (especially that of Mr. John). Are you convinced that institutionalized racism has been eradicated as part of the London police’s organizational culture?

Not less than 250 words



  1. Assess the advantages & disadvantages of encouraging ‘whistle-blowing’ as a strategy to bring about change in this context. How would you implement such a strategy?

Not less than 250 words



  1. The module examined ‘The MacPherson Report 10 Years On’, which detailed the opinions of different organizational actors asked to comment on whether the London Metropolitan Police Force had successfully addressed institutional racism. What lessons can be learned by change managers from this report when trying to address the problems of organizational culture?

Not less than 400 words

  1. The London Metropolitan Police Force was accused of ‘institutionalized racism’ in the McPherson report. What do you understand by the term institutionalized racism? How effective have change management initiatives aimed at addressing this been?

Not less than 400 words






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