My assignment is divided into 3 parts: Milestone # 1, 2, 3Topic ( venous catheters related infections ) because this project is divided into three parts. The first attachment is 5 systemic reviews and we have to pick one And base our milestone project on it.Capstone Project consists of the development of a hypothetical nursing-focused change plan. You will begin the project by determining a problem or opportunity in your professional setting that incorporates evidence-based practices and establish an improvement plan with proposed interventions and outcomes that could be presented to management for implementing change. This is a hypothetical change plan; therefore, actual implementation and measurement is not expected during the eight weeks of this course. However, you should create your change plan with the intent of implementing it in the future within your professional setting. If you are currently not working as a nurse, choose a change plan geared toward a past nursing situation, either something you learned in nursing school or when you were working as a nurse. The Capstone Project is divided into three milestones.• Milestone #1 is due at the end of Week 3.• Milestone #2 is due at the end of Week 4.• Milestone #3 is due at the end of Week 6.The guidelines and rubrics for all of the milestone assignments can be found in the Course Resources section of the Resources page under Course Home. Each assignment builds on the previous one, so it is recommended that you review all of them before beginning in order to gain insight into where you are going. Now is not too soon to begin w
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