US History Writing Assignment 1
Write a short essay (2 pages typed and double spaced, font size 12) on the prompt below. Your essay should include references to at least 3 sources excluding our text book and class discussions. The sources can be websites, books, videos, images, interviews, etc. All sources must be documented on a work cited/consulted page. Your paper will be evaluated with the rubric on our class page.
Why was indentured servitude brought to the colonies and why was it ultimately replaced with slavery in the Southern colonies?
Your essay should examine the nature of indentured servitude as it existed in the colonies, especially Virginia. Other thoughts/questions to consider as you research and write your answer: Why was indentured servitude needed? Why would someone sign up to be an indentured servant? What happened/could happen at the end of the contract for the servants and masters? What differences between slaves and indentured servants made slavery a more sustainable system? How did society accept slavery?
use double space
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