Types Of Students In A Class

Types Of Students In A Class

Students are complex species to understand; there are many variations found in their characteristics which makes them different from one another. One may like certain teaching style, while the other may not be satisfied by that particular manner.

Ignoring general differences and personal traits, these students can be classified into following categories:

The Nerds: This group aims to scan all data from the books available and then buy more to proceed further. Just like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory, they are bothered by every other person, poking nose into their business. However, if you befriend them, they are an outstanding source of cheap essay writing services UK in dire need.

The Star: This faction is the most discussed personalities in the university/college. They are just amazing at whatever they do; be it academics, sports, singing or dancing- you name it. They have an adequate share of both fans and haters, but that can’t stop them from being fabulous.

The Clueless: This bevy of the lecture hall has no idea about their surroundings. They forget and ask stupid questions mostly from the topics discussed previously. Yet, they are an excellent source of wasting the teacher’s time, and every class needs them.

The Hard worker: This is the most innocent and well-organized batch of the class. They keep striving hard no matter how grave the situations get and stay motivated.

The Clown: They are literally like the beautiful butterflies in the pressing environment of a lecture. Their jokes refresh mood of every individual present, and they are the best when it comes to entertainment.

The Artist: They have a separate imaginary creative world where crazy, yet inspiring ideas come from. There have more sketches and drawings in their notebook comparative to the lecture pointers. Their artisan characteristics are well used in decorating classrooms and organizing events.  

The Sleeping Beauty: Whether the classes are cockcrow timed or scheduled after post meridian, these students are always in their hibernation mood. They always count the remaining minutes or seconds of a lecture and cringe. They are harmless yet give others a taste of sleepy ambiance.

The Flatterer: These sycophants are teachers’ worst nightmare; they haunt educators after classes and besiege them with endless frivolous questions. Both instructor and class fellows are sick of their attention seeking tactics.

The Technologist: In today’s modern world of technology, this breed is the utmost requirement for course mates. Their technical experience and knowledge help the class cope up from academic pressures. Their services may include photo/video editing, access to valuable notes, and solution manuals etc.

The Back-Benchers: They are the kind nobody takes seriously, and they have gotten used to this fact. Studies suggest that these people excel at multi-tasking and are genuinely very intelligent. If asked to participate in class activities, their smart responses appease everybody present in the chalk talk, including the lecturer.

Nevertheless, all these students are the colors of the classroom that make the university/ college life worthwhile.



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