The University of Oregon MFA Creative Writing Course: How to Apply

The Creative Writing Program at the University of Oregon is one of the most prestigious writing programs in the country. This program is run like a writing workshop. Students will write individual works that will be critiqued by their classmates. Students who complete this course will graduate with an MFA (Master of Fine Arts). To learn more about the program’s history, click here.
And if you’re puzzled by all the abundance of information on the university’s website, read our easy-to-follow guide on how to apply to the University of Oregon MFA Creative Writing Course.
What You Need to Apply
When you apply to the creative writing program, along with the actual application, you will need to send in additional documents. Most of these documents will have to do with your academic history. You will need to upload digital copies of your school transcripts in your online application. You may also be requested to send in physical copies of your academic transcripts (from the school(s) that you have received a degree from) in the mail.
If you are an international student, or if English is not your first language, you may also need to submit your official TOEFL score. If English is your second language, you will need to look at this set of guidelines to see the school’s language requirements.
All students must also send in at least three letters of recommendation. These letters should be from teachers, other educators, coaches, or employers.
When applying to the Creative Writing Course, you will have the option of applying as a writer of fiction, poetry, or both. However, if you apply as both (labeled as “concurrent genre”) and are accepted into the course, you will have to choose if you want to focus on fiction or poetry. When you apply, you will need to send in a sample of your work. For poetry, send at least 10 poems of up to 14 pages of content. For fiction writing, send in a short story, a chapter of a novel, or up to 25 pages of your work. To learn more about the fiction and poetry classes, click on the links.
All applications must also send in a personal statement. This statement should creatively explain why you want to attend this program. The statement should explain what you have already learned about creative writing from previous writing workshops or college courses, your specific skills as a writer, and what you plan on doing with your MFA/the knowledge you will earn from the class. This letter needs to be typed, double-spaced, and be three pages or less in length. If you have difficulties with this part, get some of personal statement help here.
What to Do After Applying
Waiting is one of the hardest parts of the application process. Once you have submitted your application and all of the other required paperwork, you will have to wait to know if you have been accepted to the program or not. Only complete applications will be considered. If your application is labeled as “pending” then you may need to submit further documents. You can use this link to see the status of your application.
All students who are accepted into the program will receive a telephone call and an acceptance letter in the mail. Students who are not accepted will simply receive an email.
If you are not accepted into the program, you can apply again in the next year. Unfortunately, the school has not yet set up a way to roll-over past applications, so you will need to redo the entire application and turn in new letters of recommendation and a new statement of purpose letter.
Whether you are accepted or not, the application fee will not be refunded.
Should You Apply?
Should you apply to this program? That all depends on how devoted you are in furthering your career as a creative writer. This program is for serious students. The application process is rigorous, but that is true of most MFA courses.
What have you got to lose? Apply today! To see the application due dates, click here. Good luck!

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