The primary goals of supply chain management (SCM) are:

1) An information-inquiring culture has transparent:

• information discovery.

• Core values.

• direct reports.

• accounting and finances.

2) Emerging trends that are encouraging healthcare executives to become interested in developing innovative, integrative, and cost-beneficial HMIS solutions include:

• wireless, user-friendly portables.

• tape recordings.

• X-ray films.

• accessible records

3) An information-discovery culture ensures:

• critical information about due processes.

• sharing of insights freely and encourages employees to collaborate.

• sensitivity for privacy.

• giving up the power of controlling others.

4) The genesis of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) goes back to the roots of numerous areas, including:

• computing privacy.

• information economics

• multidimensional data sets.

• medical policies.

5) The executive who oversees the financing function, budgeting, and funding of the health services organization’s operating programs is the:





6) Question 6

Effective communication is essential for forming all kinds of work relationships, especially for:

• delivering one-sided, manager to subordinate, communication.

• telling board members what is going to happen.

• providing clear, firm autocratic orders.

• building strong social networks among key stakeholders.

Question 7

As a trustworthy leader, the senior executive must have the ability to:

• exude trust from their direct reports and corresponding followers.

• develop a “top-down” working relationship with followers.

• articulate how or why certain things are or are not being executed without explanations.

• dictate to others on how to manage their time.

Question 8

In a healthcare services organizational context, the mission, goals, and objectives of the health organization determine how:

• to evaluate verified data.

• to verify the veracity of amassed healthcare information.

• HMIS should be incorporated throughout an organization.

• to network computer systems and functional tasks.

Question 9

The role of the CEO or CIO to oversee the use of HMIS in any healthcare services organization requires that the individual has been trained and has experience and mastered a certain set of:

• rules and laws.

• strategic, tactical, and operational IT competencies.

• department goals and strategies.

• efficient business processes.

Question 10

Within the context of healthcare services organizations, there are many published examples of Internet use, including:

• PowerPoint presentations.

• access to online insurance service data.

• access to personal credit scores.

• final reports developed in ACCESS.

Question 11

The 2006 Pew Internet and American Life Project survey found that the following users seek health information online in the United States:

• 1 of 10

• 5 of 10

• 8 of 10

• 10 of 10

Question 12

The digital divide stands to affect:

• telecommunications.

• health quality.

• myriad online activities.

• information associations.

Question 13

URL stands for:

• uniform relocation lab.

• universal resource locators.

• uniform restructuring link

• usability relocation link

Question 14

Customer relationship management (CRM) software must be designed with the following in mind.

• An in-depth recognition of its customers’ specific needs.

• Strategic communication is for different types of software.

• Enhancement of existing programs and services.

• Creative services that would progress and fulfil the organizational long-term goals.

Question 15

SCM ensures readily available access to:

• order tracking.

• return on investment (ROI).

• health maintenance organizations (HMOs).

• demand printing.

Question 16

The primary goals of supply chain management (SCM) are:

• to achieve increased efficiencies with regard to information flows and exchanges between the organization and its external parties.

• to satisfy the need for economies of scale.

• to increase the volume of daily purchasing.

• to decrease efficiencies with regard to information flows and exchanges.

Question 17

Existing ERP packages include:

• HMOs.

• Oracle.

• SCM.


Question 18

For practice management systems delivered from private healthcare organizations and hospitals, electronic billing and patient scheduling are being developed for numerous benefits, including:

• keeping manual follow-up procedures.

• reducing, or possibly eliminating, all paper-based forms for which healthcare services organizations are especially vulnerable.

• increase the accuracy of billing/coding.

• eliminating electronic order processing

Question 19

Issues that may arise with a RHINO setup like the Mayo Clinic’s include problems with:

• maintaining separate processes as previously developed.

• using insurance companies to iron out problems.

• difficulties with patients.

• data shadowing and the need for creating interfaces to communicate among disparate platforms and software.

Question 20

One of the stated goals of HL7 collaboration is to:

• develop coherent, extendable standards that permit structured, encoded healthcare information of the type required to support patient care.

• sustain interoperability

• enhance existing programs and services.

• create services that would progress and fulfill the organizational long-term goals.

Question 21

Consolidation, sometimes purported as a “market-sheltering activity” occurs when:

• the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is shared.

• the program instructions and data provides the CPU with a working storage area.

• two or more comparable healthcare services organizations combine to augment or preserve market power.

• read-only memory (ROM) is shared.

Question 22

EHR will be one of the most costly project expenditures that a healthcare services organization will undertake, with regard to the investments of time and money and the resultant challenge of returns on investments (ROI). This is due to:

• the significance of the returns to be realized from an EHR implementation remains a concern for many healthcare executives.

• the program instructions provide the CPU with a working storage area.

• two or more comparable healthcare services organizations combine to augment or preserve market power.

• read-only memory (ROM) is shared.

Question 23

When combined with various other workflow tools, computerized physician order entry (CPOE) can also be useful in providing information about:

• manual follow-up procedures.

• reducing paper-based forms.

• patient scheduling.

• eliminating electronic orders.

Question 24

Three categories of healthcare data are required, almost universally, by healthcare services organizations for supporting their planning and decision-making activities, and one of these is:

• vital statistics.

• environmental statistics.

• census statistics.

• consensus statistics.

Question 25

Substantial administrative and clinical benefits can be achieved, should a universal EHR system be finally realized and these include:

• increased paperwork.

• greater documentation errors.

• easy dissemination of critical patient information to other care providers for follow-up assessments.

• extremely slow accessibility of patient records universally.

Question 26

Language interoperability challenges include:

• operating system interoperability.

• semantic differences.

• data stored in different database platforms such as Microsoft SQL server.

• different HMIS have been designed and developed by different IT providers.

Question 27

WSIHIS provides user interfaces that provide:

• encapsulated business logic in a shared middle tier.

• data related to patients’ medical profiles and information about the progress and status of treatment.

• medical content generated dynamically based on a specific patient’s medical profile.

• client applications that will access the same middle tier.

Question 28

Technically, most legacy systems were developed using different languages such as:

• Java or Visual Basic.

• Linux operating systems (OS).

• Microsoft SQL server.

• Macintosh operating systems (OS).

Question 29

In the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, growing demands for health care due to an aging population and the slowing down in mortality rate among older adults over the last few decades have led to:

• an increase in non-profit organizations.

• less need for sensor-based monitoring.

• further growth and development of mobile health care.

• less demand for medical devices.

Question 30

Core functions of WSIHIS are based on different Web services, including:

• standardization service.

• the appointment service.

• census statistics service.

• implementation service.


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