The research proposal is “a written account of the plan for the research project that presents:
- the arguments as to why a particular problem should be investigated
- what the appropriate research design is to investigate it, taking into account the relationships between different parts of the proposal such as the aims and method;
- what the researcher intends to do – how, why, where, when.”
- Title: The effectiveness of labour reduction strategies due to privatisation in Saudi Arabia oil industry
- Summary/Abstract (A clear, concise summary of the proposed research, including the research background, research problem, aim of the research, proposed methodology and expected outcomes and benefits) – updated from your evidence summary, if required;
- Aim and Objectives (Why you are doing this research; and what you hope to achieve at an ‘operational’ level);
- Introduction (Approx. 1 page) (Provide the context/ background to the project topic proposed and how it sits in your organisation / industry / context)
- Literature Review (Approx. 8 to 10 pages) (What is currently known in the academic and industry-based literature about the proposed research idea/ problem/ question in your organisation / industry / context and beyond? This should be a competent (thorough and critical) review of the literature with justification of your proposed project’s significance
- Expected Outcomes and Benefits (Importance, value and benefits of the project to your organisation / industry / context as evidenced from the literature reviewed);
- Methodology (Approx. 3 to 5 pages) (Method of investigation, specific strategy for data collection and analysis, ethical considerations; and justification of choices);
- Project Timeline and Milestones (Outline the timeline and duration for the main project activities (assume project runs in S1, 2017) and define milestones to be achieved);
- List of primary References (Reference all work cited using QUT APA style)
- A proposed list of questions to be asked in the data collection stage (Questions asked should be appropriate to the methodology and data collection tool (e.g. survey/ interview/ case study) defined in the proposal)
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