Systems Analysis

Instructions: 1.5 pages per question. Number (and letter) your answers to match the numbered (and lettered) questions (e.g., 2b).
(1) Select a societal system that is a “mess” in Russell Ackoff’s terminology and exhibits “soft problems” according to Ackoff’s definition. (a) Describe the system and discuss why it is a “mess.” (b) Define “soft problem.” (c) Describe a soft problem associated with your selected system and explain why it is a soft problem. (d) Describe a potential systemic approach to solving this problem, where your description provides the general approach to solving soft problems in messy systems, and also a specific approach for the specific problem you have identified.
(2) (a) What is your preferred definition of critical thinking and why do you prefer it? (b) Select a system that has a significant problem due to insufficient critical thinking by decision-makers. (a) Describe the system and the problem. (d) Discuss why the problem is a result of insufficient critical thinking (e.g., describe how the processes and precepts of critical thinking were violated by the decision-makers).
(3) Recall a system that you have worked with, or know of, and contemplate the hierarchy in that system. (a) Describe the system’s hierarchical levels. (b) Were the 2 hierarchical levels dependent upon emergence? (c) Explain. (d) Were the hierarchical levels optimum for that system (e.g., in enabling the system to perform its functions or achieve its purpose)? (e) Explain.
(4) (a) What is the Principle of Requisite Variety and what does it mean? (b) Describe a complex system that exhibits problems because its control system lacks the ability to generate sufficient variety. (c) Provide some examples of the problems. (d) Describe how its control system might be modified to provide sufficient variety to mitigate the problems.

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