“Substance Abuse”- New term in DSM 5 is “Substance Use Disorder”
ADVOCACY PROJECT FOR CHANGE AND IMPROVEMENT – (paper submitted in Blackboard Safe Assignment -due June 18, 2018)
This assignment will require the student to select a particular mental health, social service or health issue of active duty, Veterans, and/or their families reviewed in the course and explore the issue in more depth. A focus of this assignment is to advocate a change that would improve the issue. Students can work individually or on teams up to three people. Note that if you work in teams of three people, everyone will receive the same grade regardless of participation. Students will research the area and get a thorough understanding of what the issue is and will review any regulations or directives that apply to that area of practice and issue. The student will then decide on one significant change that would improve the issue. The change must be feasible and the student must explain how that change will be accomplished. Finally, the student must describe how the impact of the change can be evaluated. The student will provide a paper that discusses the following:
- What the issue is and how it currently is being handled (at least 10 literature review references should be discussed)?
- What are the current regulations, directives, or policies that apply to the issue?
- What change is proposed and how feasible (cost, compatibility with regulations and military society standards) is that change?
- What are military agencies that are likely to resist the change and why will they resist, and?
- What will tell you that the change has had the desired effect?
Each paper should be APA formatted and referenced, using 12 font and double spaced. Each paper should be approximately 8-12 pages long (do not include title page, abstract, or reference pages in count) 8 full pages minimum…anything less warrants a zero.
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