Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan


Every individual in life has a significant aspiration in life and a goal which they hope to achieve in future. Long-term career plans are essential, as they highlight individuals’ dreams, which are to be achieved (Wang & Xiang, 2008). The use of solid career plans is, therefore, necessary, considering that they help enhance objectivity, maintain focus, and are much more manageable. The future is always uncertain, hence having a strategic career plan is extremely important, and beneficial, as it helps serve as a roadmap through which one can get wherever they want to go. The most important aspect of career plans is attributed to the fact that it helps foster individual growth (Zeynirand et al. 2014). Having realistic plans helps personal growth and development. Individuals are bound to stay focused and refrain from straying which in turn makes them a valuable commodity in the business world (Arrington, 2016). Through planning for the future, this is an effective way of ensuring that motivation is never lost along the way (Hughes, 2011).

Accountability is also achieved through career plans, and true potential is maximized in the process. All these benefits apply to graduates, considering the fresh start needed in corporate sectors, and the need to remain focused throughout their career journey (Jackson, 2010). At the same time, professional identity and career self-management are achieved through remaining focused and knowing the direction to take (Lent, 2011). Career planning needs to be considered as it helps to realize the need to have different alternatives in life. Nobody wants to work forever. Having a realistic career plan, therefore, helps one to have a long-term view of life (McNerney, 2007). It helps individuals determine the steps which are needed, to enter retirement without difficulty. Graduates, therefore, need not take career plans for granted, as they are a source of future success, determination and help maintain focus in the professional life.



My vision is to get recognized among the successful people, who have achieved their dreams, and left a positive impact in the lives of others. In my medical science and environmental science path, I will have to work twice as hard, to receive such recognition. However, I am willing to do whatever it takes, especially professionally and intellectually to get to that point. I approach life with a very positive attitude and high level of enthusiasm, which helps me believe in myself. I also know that the theoretical knowledge I got from my studies will be of help and prepare me to follow a good and successful path. The medical science and environmental science field have given me a chance to make a lot of discoveries and knowing what I want in life.

My vision is to be part of bringing change into the medical science and environmental science field, which will help the majority of people. A lot of challenges are faced in this field, especially with every individual focusing on accessing medical science and environmental science services which are generally scarce. In the future, my vision is to be in a managerial position in the medical science and environmental science path, to help lead change, and steer younger graduates and professionals towards success. I have interests in working with families, young people, sick populations and any practice around medical science and environmental science service, which will, in turn, help boost the well-being of different populations. Therefore, I intend to do my best to perform in the position I am held accountable for in any capacity.

Timeline and steps to get there


Take part in medical science and environmental science club memberships

Meet my career coordinator and begin the development of my career plan

Attend career fairs and medical science and environmental science company presentations

Draft resume and application letters for my areas of interest in medical science and environmental science

Refine my cover letter and resume

Draft a reference sheet, as well as obtain recommendation letters

Organize meetings with my career coordinator and adjust my pan

Attend more career fairs and recruitment programs, as well as attend interviews

Consider internship opportunities and application time frame

Take part in networking as much as possible

Complete internships during summer programs

Post graduate

Attend career fairs and recruitment programs off campus

Develop strong leadership and professional skills through club activities in medical science and environmental science initiatives.

Update my resume, references and continue to gather recommendations letters.

Join a professional body in medical science and environmental science field.

Meet with my career coordinator to adjust the plan.

Continue attending career fairs and recruitment programs away from campus organized activities

Establish a relevant timeline for interviews and job searching

Expand my connections through networking

Research potential employers in the medical science and environmental science field

Meet with my career advisor to discuss long term and short term goals

Pros to achieving

Achieving the career goals and objectives set is very advantageous in the lives of most individuals.  For example, achievement of goals helps one acquire a sense of belonging coupled with self-worth, and a belief in one’s capabilities (Phifer, 2009). The medical science and environmental science field, for example, requires a lot of competence and efficiency, which helps achieve success in the long run. There is a need to, therefore, focus on the bigger picture, and remain open-minded. Achieving career plans also facilitate the aspect of being open-minded. Through the achievements made, it becomes easier to accomplish more difficult tasks (Rae & Ruth, 2013). Challenges become easier to conquer, and derailleurs are quickly eliminated. Career goals have to be set at an early point in life, to avoid confusion. This also helps individuals to fit in job categories for which they are passionate about (Rausch & Witheridge, 2012). In my case, the medical science and environmental science field have always been my focus, as this is where my passion and self-fulfillment dwells. Finally, achieving career goals is a source of motivation for others, looking into following the same path.

Cons to achieving

Career goal setting is critical in ensuring that individuals get to remain on track, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines. Goals in this case, however, focus on specific individuals and might be too narrow (Shich et al. 2010). This, in turn, may lead to overlooking of other essential features, which may also be strengths of individuals. For example, in the medical science and environmental science field, I may have a specific skill, but only remain limited by the narrowed down goals and objectives which I may have set in my career plan (Tokay, 2015). Another disadvantage has to do with the challenging goals, which may end up making individuals give up. When goals are set unrealistically, it becomes completely impossible to achieve the same, which leads individuals to give up. Another challenge is the shift in attitudes towards risk-taking. Risks need to be taken in every field, as well as the medical science and environmental science field to achieve success in the long run.

A lot still needs to be done as well, regarding the psychological costs which could also be demotivating. There is a need for every individual to step up, and to ensure that the goals and targets they set are achieved (Untary et al. 2015). The lack of achievement translates to failure in most cases, which leads to depression. Finally, a common detriment is based on the aspect that career planning and goal setting is more effective when it comes to the results part of the job, rather than the behavioral aspect of an individual. Individuals tend to put their mind to the achievement of career plans and goals, rather than focusing on remaining objective rather than subjective in most cases. Therefore, there is a need to understand the best ways through which career plans can be implemented and avoid long-term inefficiencies in the process of plan execution in the long term.


This exercise has helped me a lot, especially in consideration to my personal career goals and direction in life. Generally, I am now, more than before, more focused on what I want the most, and what I should do to achieve growth in my career, as well as personal fulfillment in the long run. My focus is on medical science and environmental science professional growth and development, which I aim at advancing my knowledge and becoming one of the best in my field.  I understand that the path is completely challenging, but I believe that the difficulties are there to make me grow stronger, and realize what is more important. I am now able to choose between what to prioritize and what to achieve at a later date. For example, completion of my research projects in my field is of importance as compared to visiting different places related to the same.

This exercise has a lot of benefits and potentials to me, and other graduates as well.  Having an open mind is one of the advantages of the exercise, which cannot be ignored. For example, initially, I was not aware of the magnitude of subjects and career options which were present in medical science & environmental science. After going through this exercise, I have managed to dig out a lot of potential and helpful information, both for those already in this field and those aiming at being part of the medical science & environmental science career groups. The limitation is that very limited research has been done on career growth in the field, which makes it slightly difficult to access past information and materials which can help in the information search process. My medical science & environmental science career strategy is focused on self-fulfillment and growth, which will also help me to be an asset to the relevant organization I work for in the future.

List of References

Arrington, K., 2010. Middle grades career planning programs. Journal of Career Development, 27(2), pp.103-109.

Bridgstock, Ruth. 2009. The graduate attributes we’ve overlooked: Enhancing graduate employability through career management skills.” Higher Education Research & Development 28.1: 31-44.

Hughes, R., 2011. The Scientist as Consultant-building new careeer opportunities. Addiction Biology, 4(4), p.457.

Jackson, Denise. 2010. Developing pre-professional identity in undergraduates through work-integrated learning.Higher Education (2016): 1-21.

Lent, R.W., 2011. Vocational psychology and career counseling: Inventing the future. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(2), pp.213-225.

McNerney, W.J., 2007. Voluntary health insurance. Current History (pre-1986), 73(000428), p.9.

Phifer, P., 2009. College Majors & Careers: A Resource Guide for Effective Life Planning. Infobase Publishing.

Rae, David, and Naomi Ruth Woodier-Harris. 2013. How does enterprise and entrepreneurship education influence postgraduate students’ career intentions in the New Era economy?. Education+ Training 55.8/9 (2013): 926-948.

Rausch, E. and Witheridge, R., 2012. Career Planning/Management-Renewal of a Traditional Approach (A Course with Heavy Reliance on the Internet). Association on Employment Practices and Principles, p.33.

Shih, S.F., Brown, C., Trusty, J., Ng, K.M. and Ray, D., 2010. A well-conceived field trip to a hospital serves several important purposes for elementary school students:(1) it acquaints students with local places of employment while demonstrating the essentiality of work and the need for employees to work together to provide valuable community services, and (2) it helps to reduce the level of anxiety children generally associate with their own hospitalization… Journal of Career Development, 27(1), pp.65-72.

Tokay, O., 2015. Career Management and Planning. Российский академический журнал, 32(2), pp.136-140.

Untaru, E.N., Ispas, A. and Candrea, A.N., 2015. An overview of environmental education initiatives in the international and Romanian tourism. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 8(1), p.107.

Wang, Y.G. and Xiang, L., 2008. Considerations on the Career Planning of the Students in Higher Technical Colleges [J]. Journal of Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology, 12, p.015.

Zeynivand, Y., Hashemi, S., Aghdam, S.R. and Ahmadi, E., 2014. The Effect of School Social Environment on Research Interest and Quality of Life in School on Tabriz Third Year High School Students. Journal of Political & Social Sciences. Vol, 1(1), pp.6-13.

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