royal beatings by alice munro

royal beatings by alice munro

write a diagnostic essay no less than 490 words and no more than 500 words on the central characteristics that in your view,contribute to a successful satisfying story. use the above story as an example to illustrate your ideas. you may,if you wish, refer to other short stories you’re familiar with. you’re entirely free to select story features you want to writre about.

essay should have 3 parts,introductory paragraph, a body containing fully developed paragraphs, and concluding paragraph.
introductory paragraph:
1 clearly identify a minimum of 2, but not more than four, story features that you believe are essential to an enjoyable story.
2 provide the main reasons why the features you’ve chosen are indispensable to a good story.

body paragraph
1 discuss the features you’ve chosen one by one, in separate paragraphs
2 support your comments with evidences(eitrher paraphrase or direct quotations) from one or more stories.

concluding paragraph
1 summarize the significance of the story features you’ve selected as essential to a story’s success.

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