Research where the energy in our home

My Electricity provider is LCEC in SouthWest, FL
I live in an Apartment and have electric appliances.

Part 1:

For Part 1 Research where the energy in your home or apartment comes from. Your Electricity provider’s web page is a great source to find this information. Include who your Electricity provider is and the breakdown of what portion of the energy comes from varies energy sources; coal, oil, natural gas, solar, nuclear, etc. If your home has solar panels or some other unique source of energy please include that as well.

Part 2:

For part 2 Research and list at least five ways you can conserve energy in your home (simply turning out the lights when you leave a room doesn’t count). Larger projects such as adding solar panels to your home and buying all new appliances are great ideas, but only list these ideas if they are feasible ideas for you and your family, and it is something you would actually consider doing in the future. Again your electricity provider’s website may be a great place to start.

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