Requirements and Evaluation of Research Paper in Cultural Competency
Each HSA 3412 student will be asked to write a polished original research paper. The research paper will increase the student’s critical perspectives, awareness, and knowledge in a course subject area. Each paper will focus on a specific and narrowly defined topic. Students choose the focus of their papers based on their professional and academic interests within the specific course’s context. All topics should be course related and could be based on one or more textbook chapters.
The original research paper should demonstrate that the student has read widely and critically in the relevant field. The student has a chance to present his/her point of view through a well-structured and compelling paper while properly citing others’ ideas. The paper’s references section should include at least 5 reliable, current, and professional sources.
The paper must be at least 8 pages long including an abstract, with 12-pt font double-spaced, and 1 inch margins all around. The paper should adhere to the American Psychological Association style manual, and must be submitted to the Blackboard before the deadline. Student work will be checked by the Blackboard plagiarism detection software. Violations of the student code of conduct (plagiarism, cheating) will result in an F being assigned for this course. So make sure you submit your original research paper onto the Blackboard before the deadline.
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