Surprising words Shakespeare invented that we all use today
By Lisa Brown
William Shakespeare has been part of all of our high school days, and although interesting, his work was not always enjoyable for all.
There are some books where you have almost to decipher what you are reading.
We have to understand that at the time he wrote it was very different and the English language has changed a lot since then.
It is said that there are more than 2,200 English words in Shakespeare’s writing that were not in use in English until his time.
Did he just make these words up or was he just smarter than the rest of us? I am sure there were no professional typing services online assistance back then, and he probably did everything on his own.
His writing was of course not bad because he is one of the most famous writers ever to exist.
Over time, we can track back to a lot of the words that Shakespeare invented. We know this because it was never used before his writing.
Who knows how he came up with these words, but it is an exciting side to have a look at.
This word is known by most English writers and has been around for so long, that we do not give it a thought. In Othello, this word is used with confidence. Even though people probably did not know this word, in the book, it makes perfect sense.
Shakespeare was not a man who kept his language simple. Instead, a lot of the words he invented are a little dramatic and over the top.
Assassination was used in Macbeth, and the word in itself is compelling. Today, we use this word without giving it much thought, but it is one of his best-invented words.
In Shakespeare’s time people did have belongings, but it was referred to as something else.
The word “belongings” in itself was another great invention of this genius. I am not sure what we would call the things we have if this word were not added to his list.
At some point, I would like to hire any professional typing services and see if they can come up with anything as brilliant as this. His book, Measure for Measure, was one of the best pieces of literature ever written.
When someone was killed, that would probably be how it would have been described back in the day. Cold blooded is a word invented by Shakespeare, and this word intends to create a dramatic effect.
In King John, Shakespeare refers to a slave who is cold-blooded, and this is the first time this word appeared in the English language.
Interesting word, even for Shakespeare, but he did love to express himself with many words that did not exist as yet.
In “As You Like It”, Shakespeare uses this word to refer to history, which might not be the way we would use it today.
We use this word to describe an occasion that was full of energy. Shakespeare used it as a way to describe a time where life was not always as simple as we have it today.
Yes, you read correctly. Shakespeare is the one we need to thank for this widely used word.
He did not exactly have a garment in mind when he used this word for the first time. In fact, he was referring to the host of a part in Troilus and Cressida.
We use this word in our everyday lives and on social media. In time, this word has been adapted from the original meaning. Some may agree with the way we are using this word to describe someone who dresses well, but others not so much.
No, Shakespeare did not invent a creature named ladybird, but his use of the word makes us feel all fuzzy inside. In Romeo and Juliet, he endearingly used this word.
This was the way the nurse spoke about Juliet, which is a beautiful word to describe someone else. The word has caused some controversy simply because not everyone is recognising it as a word to be used in the manner in which Shakespeare did.
We are all grateful that Shakespeare decided to come up with this word because we need to complain about someone at work.
In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare uses this word effortlessly in a manner that we are comfortable with today. If Shakespeare had some reasonable typist rates, I might just ask him to write my next essay.
If you ever believed that Shakespeare was not the coolest guy around, you might want to reconsider.
Who comes up with a word like swagger and is not cool?
To be fair, he was not referring to any pop star who can wear a hoodie and low riding jeans.
Shakespeare was way too classy for that, but never the less, he does deserve credit for this one.
This word might be just the right way to describe the way Shakespeare’s writing made me feel in high school.
In one of his most renowned pieces, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses the word ‘uncomfortable’ in a way that communicates the meaning beautifully.
There is no rush in his writing, but the impact of what needs to be said is there. Even in his theatrical tone, we can understand that the time of which he speaks was uncomfortable.
It is easy to understand why Shakespeare’s work is still loved by many today.
We do not always relate to the language, words and phrases, but we all love a little romance and theatre. It does not work for everyone, but even if you don’t like his work, you know who he is.
As a wise man once said, “respect is earned” and he has earned it more than 2,200 times over.
Without Shakespeare, we would probably never have added so many words to our English vocabulary.
It’s about time a new writer decided to break the mould and come up with a few new words again.
Lisa Brown works as a content manager. She is specialized in writing useful articles for writers, students and people who want to improve their writing skills. Her hobby is reading, travelling and blogging. Lisa`s life motto is “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching”.
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