Religious studies Comparison paper of provided excerpts from Barth and Sprague

Religious studies Comparison paper of provided excerpts from Barth and Sprague

A theological comparison seeks to display the similarities and differences that characterize two different thinkers’ understandings of a given theological topic (or topics). For instance, the assignment for Week 5 asks students to compare the ways in which Karl Barth and Joseph Sprague understand Jesus Christ. This paper may incorporate portions of the theological summaries on these figures and should have all the hallmarks of a theological summary in that it should be concise, thesis-guided, accurate, and objective. Additionally, it is also crucial that a theological comparison be analytical and comparative.
•As an analytical form of writing, a theological comparison should break down the texts at hand into their relevant parts. Any text can be broken down in a number of ways; a key skill in a theological comparison is breaking them down in ways that enable comparison.
•As a comparative form of writing, a theological comparison should adopt a structure geared towards showing how the texts in question relate to one another. Simply summarizing each text is not sufficient. Rather, the texts should be placed into a creative conversation, the heart of which should be distilled in the thesis. For advice on structuring a comparison essay,

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