REFLECTIVE ESSAY-Experience of Emotional Distress

Experience of Emotional Distress

A reflective analysis of a student narrative from practice placement and experience of emotional distress

This assignment must be the following module Learning outcomes – 3200 word count in total.

1. Develop an understanding of some common mental health issues and influencing policy and guidance.

2. Analyse the factors that may influence a compassionate and empathic response to distressed and confused individuals.

3. Demonstrate confidence and skills which enable the facilitation of caring conversations with those experiencing emotional distress

4. Evaluate own professional development and strategies contributing to emotional resilience.

Introduction and setting the scene (500 words )
Include the political landscape and contemporary policy agenda. Explore the links between physical and mental health and wellbeing Define and demonstrate an understanding of emotional distress and how this links to individuals experiences

Introduction to case scenario (350 words )
Please be mindful of confidentiality and informed consent and please do not publish the web portfolio to the web. This should introduce your reader to your case scenario whether this is a service user or carer and illustrate the caring conversation narrative that did or did not take place. ( SERVICE USER preferred) .

The case scenario is about a patient that was admitted into a hospital ward with a sudden stroke condition . A student nurse on placement in the hospital developed a good communication relationship with the patient and during a placement shift, the patient had an episode of distress situation where he was very verbal , abusive and physical. The student used a good communication skill to calm the patient down and engaged in a caring and conversation discussion , the patient narrated his health ordeal and how his mental distress which started from his failed marriage led to a spiralled mental breakdown. He neglected doctors advices and failed to take his medications, depression and excessive thinking contributed to a severe hypertensive condition that caused him the sudden stroke.

Influencing and inhibiting factors contributing to the situation (800 words )
Drawing on the evidence base explore and demonstrate an understanding of the inhibiting and influencing factors that may have impacted on the caring conversation narrative. This should be approached from a person centred perspective .

Analysis of factors that influenced or inhibited your caring conversation (800 words )
Explore and discuss factors which influenced your response in a compassionate and person centred way.- be mindful of the service users perspective and experiences. Analyse and demonstrate an understanding of the cause of the emotional distress and its potential to develop into a mental health issue. If there already is an existing diagnosis then demonstrate your understanding of this. Explore health promotion and potential interventions in relation to your caring conversation narrative and the supporting evidence base. Consider the evidence you have utilised on the previous web page to enhance your critical discussions. Integrate policy and guidelines to substantiate statements made.

A critical self reflection on learning and professional development (650 words)
Critically reflect on your own learning and development in relation to the module and working with individuals experiencing emotional distress. Your reflection should also include reflection of your caring conversation , your learning from this, how this may influence future practice and care. Consider your own self awareness and emotional resilience as part of this discussion . Explore the strategies you developed or could have developed to manage the emotional impact of your caring conversation Identify what ( if any) learning needs you may have and how you will address these for future practice.- these may include further learning in relation to interventions to support health promotion activities.

Reference List
Please include your references in Harvard style. Please see the ‘Cite them Right’ guide in the referencing tab in Blackboard for information on how to reference in Harvard style.

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