Apply: Crossways
Content Requirements
Unlike other counselors, Christian counselors have a distinct perspective of counseling, which is to guide people towards Christlikeness. However, we have also talked about the importance of referral and reliance on community resources. While these tools are helpful, it does place some counselors between the proverbial rock and a hard place. This is because there are times that you will know that referral or trusting in outside resources might dismiss the spiritual realities of the situation and actually further promote behavior that could lead to further harm. So, how do you respond?
The following cases are some possible situations that you may run in to as a lay or Christian counselor.
A person with fundamentalist religious beliefs
An adamant atheist
A man who desires to leave his wife and children in order to “live a little”
A woman who has decided to leave her husband and children in order to feel what it is like to be “an independent woman”
A teen who is having unsafe sex and sees no problem with such behavior
A teen who is sent to you because his parents think he is doing drugs
A single parent wanting to adopt a child
A woman who attends marriage counseling with her husband, who continues an extra-marital affair
A couple that has no problem with sex before marriage, wanting pre-marital counseling
For each situation (listed above), provide a brief description of how you would approach the situation by responding to the following:
1.) Would you counsel, refer, or resource?
2.) If refer or resource, how do you ensure that the pastoral needs are being met (or should you)?
3.) If you counsel, how do you ensure that you are competent to counsel?
4.) What aftershocks may exist in your church community for holding to your decision?
Document Type
MS Word
Paper Size
8.5 X 11″
1-2 pages
Times or Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Line Spacing
Double. No extra double space between paragraphs please.
In-text Citations & Reference List Style
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Example: Doe_John_Wk4_Apply
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