Project Proposal Template
W1 Google Docs Assignment |
Your first assignment will be to complete a project proposal template, using Google Doc’s input and editing features. You will also apply styling, add comments, and share your document.
- Download this document file to your computer: CS165W1AssignmentTemplate
- Upload that document file to to Google Docs and open it
- This document is an example of a project proposal outline. You will need to choose a project you’ve either completed or intend to complete (feel free to choose any personal, work, or social/church project that would take more than a day to complete). You will fill in the areas of the document that are highlighted yellow with your own text and information. If you are not comfortable including your own address and phone number, make them up.
- Remove the yellow highlights from your text.
- Change the font to something other than Arial. Please use a font that is easy to read and looks appropriate for your kind of project.
- Minimize the address, phone number, and name to 10 pt. font size.
- Center your project name and date, and apply Title styling through the Paragraph Styles menu.
- Apply “Heading 5” styling to all the headers in the project proposal (Overview, Goals, Specifications, Timeline)
- Your goals section should be composed as a bulleted or numbered list. Please include 3-4 goals in this section. Choose one of the goals, and develop an action step (i.e. something you’ll need to do first to accomplish that goal. If your goal is to organize your basement, an action step would be to sort needed items from things that could be given away). Indent that action step as a subpoint beneath the goal.
- Delete all the text in blue font.
- Select the title of the project proposal and create a comment associated with it. In the comment box, write one element of Docs you felt was easy for you and one element you need to practice more.
- Rename the document LastNameFirstName_GoogleAssignment1
- Share the document, retrieve the shareable link, set to the document to “anyone with a address can EDIT”.
- Copy the link and paste it into your submission dropbox.
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