Section 1: Introduction and Primate Descriptions
For Section 1 of the body of your paper, describe very clearly what this paper will be doing, state the nature of your research, and finally, summarize what the research results were. In the next short paragraph write up brief background descriptions of the primates you observed at the zoo using both scientific source. This is not long but provides maybe a sentence or two that is properly referenced. Next talk about highlights from your field notes, be sure to describe any interesting behaviors observed and your general impressions of the primates. This section should also include the specific location of your primate observations (San Fransisco Zoo), the date and time of your observations, the common name of the Primates you observed (i.e. chimpanzee, lemur, etc.), and the scientific name of the species (Genus & species name). Use your own observations to describe the primates.
Section 2: Primate Comparison
Compare and contrast the behaviors of the three primates you observed. How do the behaviors of the primates differ from one another? How are they similar? In terms of evolution and natural selection, why might these differences and similarities exist? For each behavior or physical trait – you MUST interpret WHY they are the same or different. Keep referring to your chart. In particular, try to address different categories of behavior outlined above: food acquisition and sharing, mating strategies, social organization, intelligence. Try to determine if they share or don’t share ANCESTRAL TRAITS and if they do or don’t WHY.
Section 3: The Effects of Captivity
For Section 3 of the body of your paper, reflect on the Captivity Chart that you made. What are the effects that being in captivity and on display in a zoo might have on the behaviors of the primates you observed. How “natural” do you think the behaviors you observed are? Would the primates act differently if observed in the wild? If so, can you explain why? Try watching parts of documentaries on these animals, to see if you the behavior is different in the wild.
Section 4: Insights into Human Behavior from observations of Homo sapiens at the zoo (10 points)
Finally, for Section 4 of the body of your paper, consider what kind of insights the primate behaviors you observed might give us into human behavior, either ancient or modern. Can you identify similar patterns of behavior in humans that you see at the zoo? If so, do you think that these patterns may come about for similar reasons as in the Primates, or for different reasons? What, ultimately, can studying Primates really tell us about humans, based especially on your work as a Primatologist? Explain WHY in terms of your DATA they seem to be similar or different from each other and from Homo sapiens. Be thinking the whole time about TRAITS and DATA. Could each species share traits with humans and not with each other?
Section 5: Quick Conclusion
Wrap it up – summarize everything from the other sections. Lastly, avoid being WISHY WASHY, no professor wants to read how you were ‘transformed by this experience’ or that it was ‘really interesting’. These statements do not make it a science paper.
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