popular movements around the prison industrial complex, explore the advocacy, social movement

(in newspapers, journals, and electronic sources) for current articles relevant to the various topics addressed in this course. These may be accounts of popular movements around the prison industrial complex, or other related stories. It is important to identify and explore the advocacy, social movement, and/or activist dimensions of the story you choose. You can also choose to profile a particular organization; in this case it is essential that you draw upon sources other than the organization’s own website. This critical news analysis should be 5-7 pages in length, draw upon a variety of sources, and offer background on the issue, the people and organizations involved, and feature an analysis of how it relates to any of the various movements or general theme explored in this class. You are encouraged to offer a thorough analysis of the story and/or organization(s), any important successes and/or limitations, and your conclusions and /or recommendations for further action. These papers should be fully documented and referenced, using MLA citation style.The post popular movements around the prison industrial complex, explore the advocacy, social movement appeared first on Academic Essay Guru.

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