Human rights of unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents
There are two major parts of the MUN assignment. The first is the position paper and the second is the resolution.
• The position paper is designed as a tool to help you understand how your particular topic is impacted, interpreted and informed by your country’s culture, policies, and structures.
o In other words, how has your assigned country dealt with the issue historically? Are the any contemporary changes?
o Have they sponsored any legislation dealing with the topic at hand?
• Understanding these issues will then help you to draft an appropriate resolution that you
will debate and promote at the MUN in October.
• Please note that you must do external research to successfully complete this project and
we expect proper citation in the APA, MLA, or CMS style format for all parts. However, we must caution you that you this should be your own analysis—in your own words—with proper citations and reference to your sources. A simulation is about role playing, not acting. You will not recite the lines someone has already written but will look at your role and essentially write your own script in a way that is true to the scenario and the country you are assigned.
Expectations Position Papers
The country papers should be no fewer than 5 pages long, double-spaced, and should include the following parts:
1. Page 1- description of the country and issue.
a. Paragraph 1- Briefly introduce your country and your issue (and component parts of
the issue)
b. Paragraph 2- Demographics of your country as it relates to the issue. For example,
if your topic revolves around indigenous rights then the demographic section should include some discussion on the state of indigenous peoples in your country, their numbers, where they are, etc. If your topic is education related then should include something focusing on literacy rates, graduation rates, are there differences in rates between males and females, or different regions? This section is about summary and context of the country assigned.
c. Paragraph 3- Research and summarize the major country commitments, treaties, resolutions with the UN that relate to your topic. What treaties (e.g., Convention on the Rights of the Child) has your country sponsored, signed, supported, or ratified.
2. Pages 2-4, issue area and the country. Elaborate on your specific issue. Identify two perspectives on this issue:
a. What is your country’s (government) position on it? Are there any historical or cultural events that you can draw in that would help to inform how your country would feel about the issue?
b. Are there subcultural groups that are in opposition to the government’s position on this issue?
c. What are the political positions on this issue? Have political scientists, government actors, etc. written about this topic (in general, or specifically related to your country)?
d. This part is about critical inquiry and engagement. If there is no obvious link between your country and topic, you may have to think outside the box and consider—based on what you have discerned above in your country description— how your country would view the issue. We are looking for explicit reasons, based on your research and understanding, of why you believe your country will have the positions you argue they will. Sometimes you will have to push beyond the obvious here. It is unlikely that your country will not have any opinion whatsoever about a particular issue no matter how irrelevant it may at first seem. Do they have a strong ally–or enemy–who would stand to benefit? This could certainly be an important motivating factor. Are they traditionally advocates for nonviolence or humanitarianism? Again, this would play a very important part in addressing the context.
3. Pages 4-5- Next steps
a. In narrative form, you will describe what your assigned country will likely argue for
(or against) at the UN on this issue. This is where you must critically think about the evidence you have presented up to this point in the assignment as justification for the position you (the assigned country) will be taking. Keep in mind that you, the student, is not speaking here. You are acting as the delegate to the country. Which countries do you think will be your natural allies and partners within the UN and why? Again, you will want to tie your reasoning into the first page foundation that you established.
Please note that you may find it useful to use section breaks between these three sections and that is fine. We are looking for clarity in reasoning, depth of understanding and specific examples or justifications. What is important here is depth not breadth. You have only a limited amount of time and space so make the words you say matter.
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