Political science Essay, House Bill Would Require Student Loan Borrowers to Get Financial Counseling

Political science Essay, House Bill Would Require Student Loan Borrowers to Get Financial Counseling

Homework Assignment #1: Article Reaction

Due Date: October 5, 2018

Submission Details: Turn in a typed, printed, stapled if it is more than one page, copy to your TA on the due date. Papers are due at the beginning of class. Your name and your TAs name must be on the paper. Write in essay format. No late submissions will be accepted.

There is no set length for this reaction, but papers less than two paragraphs in length more than likely did not meet the requirements below.

Please edit your paper for grammar and spelling errors. If you are concerned about your ability to do this, please reach out to the writing center on campus.

Point Value: 100


  1. Read the article in D2L located in the homework assignment folder.
  2. Briefly summarize the main point of the article.
  3. Discuss your reaction to this issue. Some potential things you could discuss are:
    1. Do you think this is a good solution to the problem? Why or why not?
    2. Do you think the Senate will pass this legislation that has already passed through the House? Why or why not?
    3. What, in your opinion, could be unintended consequences of this bill?
  4. Using the internet, look up one of your federal Senators. Read their biography on the Senate website. In your paper, tell us who your Senator is and explain why you think they will or will not vote in support of this legislation.


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