Photoshop promotional assignment

MY ORGANIZATION IS THE JASON TAYLOR FOUNDATION. < USE THIS ONE.  1. Design a formal invitation (online) to an event your company/organization(Jason Taylor Foundation) might host. These are VIP invites, so think about your brand and how you might use it for a professional-looking invitation. 2. Design an 18 x 24 inch poster to promote an event your company/organization(Jason Taylor Foundation) might host. Use what you know about your target market to attract attention, provide relevant information, and promote both your brand and the event. Make sure the poster clearly conveys the relevant information about the event. You should use at least one photographic image that you have modified in Photoshop in your design. Event materials should be different, but recognizably similar in style. Make sure they fit with the overall style and image of your brand. You should create your formal invitation and poster in InDesign, and upload them as PDF files (you can upload multiple files). 3. Develop a presentation, explaining how your materials fit the needs and goals of the company/organization.

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