Petroleum Processing

Choose one of the statements below that does not represent the FCC process.

A- FCC uses acidic catalyst

B- FCC Produces olefins in the gasoline boiling range

C- FCC does not generate CO2

D- FCC produces high-octane number gasoline in high yields

Choose one of the statements below that would best complete the following sentence. Thermal cracking produces straight-chain alkanes from n-alkanes because..

A-olefins are more reactive than naphthenes

B-carbon disproportionation will be favorable

C-beta-scission is faster than hydrogen abstraction

D-radical isomerization is very fast

Choose one of the statements below that does not describe the polymerization process in a petroleum refinery.

A-polymerization produces plastic precursors

B-polymerization is an ionic process

C-polymerization can use by-products from FCC

D-polymerization produces high-octane number gasoline from light olefins

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