Persuasive Essay on Ethics, What are the top three reasons why digital marketing analytics are an important component in the field of strategic communication? What are the ethics surrounding the question of how companies should collect and use the data that they collect from our digital activity?

The question of analytics within big data and data analytics is essential to consider and review in this sort of class. Newsweek did an article about the selling of big data that companies collect on our consumer behaviors. Please read the article and then write your final essay on the below prompt:

Article from Newsweek: The Selling of Big Data (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Imagine you are speaking with a neighbor and you mention you took a class on digital marketing metrics and analytics. He or she mentions that they don’t know much about analytics and are suspicious of the entire digital landscape and the ways that companies collect copious data on users and customers. They begin asking you some questions to learn more about your impressions of the field. In a traditional academic paper format, write a 5-6 page persuasive paper answering the following prompt which is a written response to the above scenario:

Please incorporate at least three credible sources supporting your argument.

* What are the top three reasons why digital marketing analytics are an important component in the field of strategic communication? What are the ethics surrounding the question of how companies should collect and use the data that they collect from our digital activity?

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