Answer the following questions based on assigned readings, research outside the text, your experiences and observations of your organization. Chapters 6-8 and chapter 11
Organizational Design
1.Describe what is meant by organizational design.
2.”An organization can have no structure” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.
3.Researchers are now saying that efforts to simplify work tasks actually have negative results for both companies and their employees. Do you agree? Why or why not?
4.With the availability of information technology that allows employees to work anywhere, anytime, is organizing still an important managerial function? Why or why not?
Change Management
5.Why is managing change an integral part of every manager’s job?
6.Describe Lewin’s three step change process. How is it different from the change process needed in the white water rapids metaphor of change?
7.How are opportunities, constraints, and demands related to stress? Give an example of each.
8.How do creativity and innovation differ? Give an example of each.
9.How does innovative culture make an organization more effective? Do you think an innovative culture could ever make an organization less effective? Why or why not?
10.What would be your best advice to creating a strong safety culture in an organization?
Upload your responses as a single Word document, in APA format.
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