I will be sending you the instructions of what it needs to be done.
- Please watch “I’m a Child Anorexic” which is available for streaming through the University Library. You can access this film on your computer for streaming by following these steps:
- Go http://www.calstatela.edu/library
- Once in the library, select “Databases” listed underneath the search bar.
- In the “Search for Databases” search bar, type “Films on Demand”.
- Hit “Go”.
- Click on the “Films on Demand” link.
- Once you are in Films on Demand, in the search bar, type “I’m a Child Anorexic” to find the film.
After viewing the movie, answer this questions:
Things to consider for your discussion:
Just so you are aware, when they discuss the weight of the girls in the movie, one stone=14 pounds.
What are your thoughts regarding some of the causes of anorexia nervosa?
What thoughts do you have regarding this form of treatment?
What other thoughts do you have regarding the film?
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