Nursing: discussion for my “Nursing Role and Scope“class

Hello writer this is a discussion for my “Nursing Role and Scope“class. I need 2 references, one have to be our textbook “Professional Nursing Concepts & Challenges 8 th ed by Beth Perry Black” I will provide you with some textbook pages, and the other reference has to be a scholarly nursing journal article peer reviewed of your choice. The article had to be published within the last 5 years. ALSO PLEASE I NEED A PDF COPY OF THE ARTICLE TO SUBMIT WITH THE DISCUSSION.
This is the reference for the textbook
Black, B. P. (2017). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Chapter 16 of Black (2017) outlines specific challenges facing the future of the nursing profession.
1-Which two challenges do you feel will impact your nursing career the most?
2-Which two are most easily addressed by nurses and why?
Please provide a rationale for your answers and incorporate support from your ANA texts and a scholarly journal article.

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