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Avoid any tendency to make the correct answer consistently longer or shorter than the distractors. A. depend more on recall. B. measure more complex outcomes. C. provide for a more extensive sampling of course content. D. require less time to score. A. place greater emphasis on the recall of factual information. B. provide for a more extensive sampling of course content. C. provide for the measurement of more complex learning outcomes. D. require less time for test preparation and scoring. 5. Use the option “none of the above ” only when the keyed answer can be classified unequivocally as correct or incorrect. The “none of the above” option works better when the stem is stated as a question rather than a sentence to be completed. An incomplete sentence rarely works because “none of the above” seldom completes the stem grammatically. Nevertheless, the use of the “none of the above” option should be avoided. 6. Avoid the use of “all of the above “.
The “all of the above” option makes it possible to answer the item on the basis of partial information. Since the examinee is to select only one answer, they can detect “all of the above” as the correct choice simply by noting that two of the alternatives are correct. They can also detect it as a wrong answer by recognizing that at least one of the alternatives is incorrect, thus enhancing their chance of guessing the correct answer from the remaining choices. Poor: Which of the following factors must be considered in computing basal energy requirements? 7. Alphabetize the distractors and arrange numerical options in ascending order. To ensure that the placement of the correct answer, or key, does not follow a pattern that may be apparent to the examinee, the options should be listed in alphabetical order. If the options are numerical, then the options should be listed in ascending order. Poor: How long should an orphan calf be fed warm whole milk? Better: How long should an orphan calf be fed warm whole milk? Every organization is different and not all processes/steps need to necessarily be followed. Two things to consider when developing new items are that it is a very expensive process and it is difficult to find qualified editors. Security is always an issue when developing new questions. About The Author I am an Assessment Specialist with the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. We create and maintain skills standards and online competency tests for over 100 career majors.
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