MGT501 Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Case Study: The Ford-Firestone Brand [Chapter 10, Case 10.3, pp. 240-243]

Read the case study as presented, and address the following.

Summarize the case, and describe the participants.
Describe how this case relates to ethics in marketing, advertising, and product safety.
Expose the challenges of privacy in the contemporary organization.
Describe this case study from the perspective of corporate social responsibility.
Describe this case study from the perspective or international business.
Explain the responsibilities of the board of director of companies like Starbucks.
Describe the role of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the way companies present their financial information.
Submit the paper following APA standards.
Use a minimum of two references from business ethics journals.
Use the traditional introduction, body, and conclusion outline.

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