Week Eight Discussion Board
Your best friend owns a small children’s clothing store located in the downtown area of a community of 50,000 citizens. Business has been slow the past year due to the construction of several new strip malls and a new WalMart store (Increased competition). She discovered you were taking an online marketing class, asked you for your advice for ideas that would increase her sales (She owns her present building and will not relocate her business, even though the downtown area is losing stores to the new strip malls). Based on what you have learned in this course what would you tell her?
Week Eight Final Term Project Due:
The Marketing Audit refers to the comprehensive, systematic, analysis, evaluation, and the interpretation of the business marketing environment, both internal and external, its goals, objectives, strategies, principles to ascertain the areas of problem and
opportunities and to recommend a plan of action to enhance each firm’s marketing performance.
The paper for your term project is due this week. It is to follow 6th edition APA format and be of a quality graduate level. Remember to use an appropriate number of qualified references for a paper of this length. Remember, also, to qualify your sources. It is not sufficient to say that Dr. Susan Kellogg said in a recent speech, “Marketing is the one thing that affects all economies.” No. You have to say, Dr. Susan Kellogg, a professor of marketing at Mary Baldwin University, said in a recent speech, “Marketing is the one thing that affects all economies.” (Kellogg, 2017, para. 12). Then, of course, you cite the source in your reference section. The critical point I am trying to make is to QUALIFY your sources. OK?
Work diligently to refrain from using the Conditional Verb Tense of would, should, could, and might. Claim what you are saying and place your writing in the past, present, and future tenses.
You MUST attach this assignment to the ASSIGNMENT page as a Word document. Do not use an Abstract. Check your Similarity Index before the final submission.
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