Week Six Discussion Board:
Assume you sell plumbing supplies via a distributor that sells to retailers.
a. What can you, as the manufacturer’s sales representative, do to shorten the distributor’s sales cycle? To improve its conversions?
b. Assume you are the distributor and you have five salespeople working for you. Two calls on plumbing companies and large construction companies at job sites, whereas the other three work as salespeople in your warehouse to handle walk-in customers. What can you do with marketing to shorten the sales cycle of each group? How might your efforts affect the performance each group?
Week Six Written Assignment – Evaluate a Corporate Website Please select one of the following three websites:
1. http://www.kraftheinzcompany.com/
2. https://www.thecloroxcompany.com/ or
3. https://us.pg.com/
KraftHeinz Company, Clorox, and Procter & Gamble each use their Website as a part of their marketing strategy. Review one of the Websites and write a 2-3 page paper on the effectiveness of the website as a marketing tool. Include the things that make the site work well and the things that could be done better. Remember to remain objective and unbiased. This means no use of the pronouns I, me, my, myself, we, us, or you. Also avoid words such as “the greatest website,” “the most colorful” unless you can prove that something is the greatest or the most.
You MUST upload the assignment to the ASSIGNMENT Tab as a Word document. I am looking for you to be able to justify your assessment. In what ways did you establish your standards? Caution: These are corporate websites, not retail sites. (There is a difference. Don’t make the
mistake of expecting coupons, and products for sale).
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