Marketing: Week 3

Assignment 1:

Take two existing offerings and combine them to create a new one. What type of offering is it? To whom can this new offering be sold? What unique benefits does the product offer, and how is this communicated to potential buyers? What evidence is generated to predict the likelihood of the new offering being successful?


Assignment 2:
Brand Extension Assignment: Choose a product to write a 3-4 page paper discussing in what ways a brand extension of that product is created. Include your rationale for the brand extension. For example, if the product is Cheerios, there are already extensions for this product. Suppose you come up with another way to extend the Cheerios brand into Cheerios Maxi and making the “O’s” bigger. What motivates that kind of move? Areas to include 1. Brand (to include a brief background) 2. Extension idea 3. Rationale/justification or need for the new idea relate the idea back to the
4. Target market 5. Marketing/launch strategy (to include pricing and channel strategy) 6. Ethical consideration

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