Logical analysis and evaluation
Purpose: To apply logical analysis and evaluation, based on the Paulian model of critical thinking, and then communicate, through writing, a summary, analysis, and evaluation of a current science-related article. To incorporate source information through integrated quotes, summaries, and paraphrases and document sources on a Reference page using APA guidelines.
Description of assignment: For this essay, you will choose a science topic that interests you.
Then you will search the CCBC Online Database to locate one article, 2-3 pages, about your chosen topic.
Use only the CCBC Online Database to locate the article. Do not use Wikipedia or other internet sources. Summarize and analyze the article. Create a Reference page for your article.
Length: 750 words or more
Point of view: Third person, which means no “you, your, I, me, we, our, us”
Format: APA style heading, page numbers, one inch margins, and double spacing. Times New Roman 12 font. Include a title that reflects the essay content. Include a Reference page.
Part 1: Summary: maximum of 300 words
Steps in writing a summary:
1. In the first sentence of the summary include the thesis or main idea of the article.
Use the template below.
In the article “(title)”, (the author) states that (main idea of article)
2. Summarize the article by including all the main points in the same order they appear in the article. You must use your own words. Write in the present tense.
3. Include only one or two specific examples or details from the article.
4. It is acceptable to use the author’s name. The first time use the author’s full name, for following times, use only the last name. Do not begin each sentence with “The author says…”
5. Do not include any of your thoughts, opinions, or comments.
6. Do not use quotations from the article.
Part 2: Analysis & Evaluation –450 or more words
Include one paraphrase and one integrated quote.
Analysis – “taking apart”
Evaluation – applying, with sensitivity, the “Universal Intellectual Standards”
Analyze the article for the eight “Elements of Thought”. To analyze the point of view presented in the article, do some internet research to find out what you can about the author: education, experience, employment, affiliations, and so on. Remember, some of the elements are not stated in the text of the article, but are unstated, found within the reasoning of the author.
Evaluate 3 of your “Elements of Thought” by using the “Universal Intellectual Standards”. Use the SEEI outline to evaluate:
STATE: Give a brief explanation
ELABORATE: Expand on your explanation
EXEMPLIFY: Give a concrete example
ILLUSTRATE: Use metaphor, analogy, or picture
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