Law Use of facilities and Teacher exemplar
The topic summary, which covers both of the topics below, should be between 4-5 double-spaced pages in length and should contain the following 2 items represented as headings in the paper: ! 1. Section you are answering (i.e., Use of Facilities or Teacher as Exemplar) 2. The restated question followed by your answer for that question. ! Each paper must have 1.25” margins, be typed in Times New Roman, and have a 12 point font size. Freed-Hardeman has a subscription to Lexis-Nexis Academic that will give you excellent material to fulfill this assignment. It can be accessed via FHU’s online library. ! NOTE: You are responsible for reading all 4 cases below and answering all six questions for this one assignment.
! •Topic Summary •Use of Facilities • Good News Club v. Milford Central School • Would the majority decision have been the same if the group’s name was the Wahhabi Good News Club and conducted similar religiously oriented meetings as Good News Club did? • Assume that a local school board had a policy of allowing school facilities to be used by local groups. Would the school board be on sound constitutional footing if it barred any of the following local groups: The Gay Liberation League? Committee to Legalize the Use of Marijuana, Cocaine, or Heroin? American Nazis? Muslims Supporting Palestine? Abortion Advocates? • Answer why or why not for each group and explain your answer. •Teacher as Exemplar • Erb v. Iowa State Board of Public Instruction AND Gillett v. Unified School District No. 276 AND Barcheski v. Board of Education of Grand Rapids • What was the reason(s) for each of these cases? State each reason under each case. • What is the proper balance between being a private citizen and being an exemplar for students? • What do you think about a teacher being dismissed for the following: 1
- Being an open and practicing homosexual? • Being a member of NAMBLA? • Sexual misconduct occurring twenty-four years earlier? • Stealing a tea pot from the school play? • What affect would these cited cases have upon private school employment? Explain your answer for each case.
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