Kaplan-University CM 310 Homework Help

Get help Kaplan-University CM 310 Homework Help. Describe a situation in which you experienced constructive conflict and one in which you experienced destructive conflict. Based on Chapter 1, explain the differences between the two situations and why they represent constructive and destructive conflict. Review the author’s definition of conflict in this week’s reading. Identify one of the conflicts you described in Topic 1, explain why it is a conflict using the author’s definition. How does this definition differ from your previous understanding of conflict? In what ways can studying the nature of conflict assist you in your personal and professional lives? Based on Chapter 2, use a metaphor to describe your view of conflict. For example, runaway train or tempest in a teapot. Explain how your metaphor represents either the positive or negative view of conflict. How can the use of metaphors shape and reflect the ways we understand conflict situations? Read “The Rainbow Development Water Problem” case on pages 274-275 of the text.

• Specify competitive, collaborative, and transformative approaches to defining this problem. • Describe each of the seven elements of principled negotiation and how it can be used to transform this conflict? Describe a conflict situation you experienced. How could identifying and articulating your TRIP goals have affected your communication with others with whom you experienced a conflict? Explain the importance of conflict goals in this situation. Describe face-saving and damaging face and provide an example of each. Discuss the implications to conflict. Using the course materials and case study “Half Empty/Half Full,” write a response paper 350-500 words (1 – 2 pages). In the paper, identify Frank and Reno’s topic, relational, identity, and process goals (TRIP). Explain how Frank and Reno’s goals change during the conflict. Use specific examples from the case study and the text to substantiate your claims. 1. The paper must adhere to APA formatting guidelines including in-text citations and references. 2. Include a cover page and reference page.

3. Include an introduction with a brief summary of the case and description of TRIP goals. 4. Identify Frank and Reno’s topic, relational, identity, and process goals (TRIP). 5. Explain how Frank and Reno’s goals change during the conflict. 6. Include examples from the case study. 7. Include in-text citations and references. 8. Conclude with a summary of your analysis. 9. Length of the paper should be 500-750 words. Put your assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. • Click the link that says Submit an Assignment. • In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 3: Assignment. • In the “Comments” field, include at least the title of your paper. • Click the Add Attachments button. • Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document. • To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.

Click the Dropbox to access it. • Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted assignment. Describe RICE currencies and provide examples in the case study. How can these currencies affect power imbalances and perceptions of power in conflict? Refer to the Unit 4 Case Study on “Finding Your Voice.” Explain the how the relational view of power applies to this conflict. Explain how the orientation to power and attitudes toward power applies to the conflict in case study. Complete the exercise Application 5.1: “Assessing Your Conflict Style.” Discuss your preferred style(s). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your styles. Is there anything you would like to change in how you manage conflict? How does understanding the conflict styles/tactics help you improve your own conflict communication behavior? Using the course materials and the Discussion from Unit 5, write a response paper between 700-900 words. Using the case study, “He Said, She Said,” discuss conflict styles. Specifically, identify and describe the specific conflict styles and tactics each of the participants uses. In addition, offer suggestions about how the participants could create a more constructive conflict through flexibility.

Use the course materials and specific examples from the case study to substantiate your claims. 1. The paper must adhere to APA guidelines for citing references. 2. Include a cover page. 3. Include a brief summary of the case and conflict styles in the text. 4. Discuss the conflict styles in the case. 5. Identify and describe the specific conflict styles and tactics each of the participants uses. 7. Include in-text citations and references for the sources. 8. Length of the paper should be 700-900 words. Put your assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. • Click the link that says Submit an Assignment. • In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 5: Assignment. • In the “Comments” field, include at least the title of your paper. • Click the Add Attachments button. • Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.

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