– 8 pages including reference page – NO COVER PAGE NEEDED
– “Each student will prepare an original research paper of 8 pages (typed and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins. You must use and cite at least seven sources, of which at least 5 must be journal articles. Wikipedia is NOT a source. It is not necessary to write an abstract due to the short length of the paper. The paper must follow APA Style Format.
– In addition to answering the questions in the Critical Thinking portion, you are required to do outside research on the Policy and/or Issue to support your response.
Topic of essay: Violent Media/Violent Behavior?
Do the media influence behavior? Does broadcast violence cause aggresive behavior in viewers?
Critical Thinking Questions:
1) Should the government control the content of TV shows and limit the amount of weekly violence? How could the national news be shown if violence were omitted? What about boxing matches and hockey games?
2) How can we explain the fact that millions of kids watch violent TV shows and remain nonviolent? if there is a link between violence on TV and violent behavior, how can we explain the fact that violence rates may have been higher in the Old West than they are today? Do you think violent gangmembers stay home and wacth TV shows?
**I will provide two attachments that will help answer the Critical Thinking.**
**Please everything must be cited/quoted accordinly as I will have to submit this paper on Turnitin.com**
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