Intercultural Communication
Institutionalized Oppression Paper: You are to write a 15-page paper that helps you understand the implications of institutional oppression. You are to choose a current cultural issue (same-sex marriage, police brutality, immigration etc.), event (passing of a law, hate crime etc.) or law/cultural norm (any cultural norm, law or policy that privileges one group over another) and analyze it in light of course concepts. You must thoroughly describe the parameters of institutionalized oppression and hegemony and explain them with evidence from the current issue or event you are referencing. 10 additional sources minimum.
Introduction (Page 1)
Catch the reader’s attention, Introduce the topic, BOLD your Thesis, Preview the paper (direction and content).
Cultural Issue or Intercultural Conflict (Page 2-6)
Thoroughly describe the cultural issue or intercultural conflict with proper references
Analysis (Page 7-13)
Define terms and apply concepts to the cultural issue or intercultural conflict
Conclusion (Page 14)
Summarize your paper referring back to the thesis introduced at the beginning
References (Page 15)
A minimum of 10 sources
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