Cyber Security and Risk Management
Read Four (4) academically reviewed articles on Cyber Security and Risk Management and complete the following activities:
(Wikipedia articles will not be accepted. Professor may check originality of all posts. Avoid copy-and-paste.
1. Summarize all four (4) articles in 300 words or more. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste
2. Base on your article review and the assigned reading, discuss the relationship between cyber security and risk management.
3. As an IT manager, discuss how you will use the concepts discussed in the four articles in the management of IT risks within your company.
I need a response of 150 words of below post
Cyber Security
Cybersecurity refers to a group of techniques accustomed defend the integrity of networks, programs and knowledge from attack, injury or unauthorized access. The core usefulness of cyber-security involves protecting data and systems from major cyber threats. These cyber threats take many forms (e.g., application attacks, malware, ransomware, phishing, exploit kits). Sadly, cyber adversaries have learned to launch machine-controlled and complicated attacks victimization these techniques – at lower and lower costs. As a result, keeping pace with cyber-security strategy and operations is also a challenge, notably in government and enterprise networks where, in their most riotous kind, cyber threats usually take at secret, political, military or infrastructural assets of a nation or its people.
Risk Management
A risk is that the internet negative impact of the exercise of a vulnerability, considering each the likelihood and therefore the impact of prevalence. Risk management is that the technology that allows IT managers to balance the operational and economic costs of protective measures and reach gains in mission capability by protecting the IT systems and data that support their organizations’ missions. This technique is not distinctive to the IT environment; therefore it pervades decision-making altogether areas of our daily lives. Take the case of home security, parenthetically, many of us conceive to have home security systems place in and pay a monthly fee to a service provider to possess these systems monitored for the upper protection of their property. Presumably, the house owners have weighed the worth of system installation and observation against the value of their house merchandise and their family’s safety.
A relationship between cybersecurity and risk management
Cyber-security risk is one amongst several risks inside the IT risk management space. It’s conjointly one amongst the foremost important risks for any organization that has a cyber presence. According to the ISACA’s Risk IT framework, IT risks cover not solely the negative impact of operations and repair delivery which might bring destruction or reduction of the worth of the organization, however conjointly the profit enabling risk associated to missing opportunities to use technology to modify or enhance business or the IT project management for aspects like overspending or late delivery with adverse business impact.
As IT manager I will be able to make sure that advanced security is dead in my affiliation and besides peril organization is affected fruitful to assist in dominant the physical attack of the affiliation and what is more to make sure that the essential info of the affiliation is all around secure, I will be able to make sure that the affiliation is defended for any physical risk that will bounce at the link to make sure that there’s adequate prosperity for the upsides of the business.
I need a response of 150 words below post
Cyber Security and Risk Management is one of the top compliance which companies need to follow and implement most of the use organizations are not following or setting up their standards in the cyber security until there is a data breach in their organization. This data breaches are occurring a lot now a days more companies are facing this issue the reason for this is data breach is mainly happening due to the insiders this clears states that
1. Companies are lack in providing the training to the employees.
2. Poor safety measures taken by the organizations.
3. Bad practices in gathering the data and also management of data.
These are some of the things most of the company’s security officer should be aware of and handle all these problems from having any insider trade on data breach.
Right now United States government has a compliance program managed by them known as NIST framework applied to all the federal and state government agencies to overcome the cyber security and risk management issues they need to mandate this regulation to all the organizations so that they can use the NIST framework and implement the compliance so that the attacks can be handled and reduced. One of the fundamental principal of the cyber security is risk management and this is the basis of the NIST framework which is used to improve the security principles across the organizations. As an Information Technology manager I would like educate the team about the risks of the cyber threats a part from that I would also create a team to focus on implementing the guidelines and principles of accessing the data and handing it in a secure fashion. This adapting an existing framework and making it as a policy across the organization awareness creation helps from reducing the insider risks of data breaches this play can be mandated on the employee orientation training so that all the new employees will also be aware of this policy and will help the organization from cyber-attacks.
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