Information Security


  1. This is the first case study for the course and it will be based upon the case study text: Public Sector Case Study – Edward Snowden – pg. 226
    In reading the excerpt from the textbook on what happened and how Snowden was able to access the data that he did, write a mini-security policy following the security template in Chapter 7 (pg. 185).  Highlight at least three policies that you feel were violated in this case and address the policies that need to be in place to prevent those violations from occurring in the future.  Make sure to incluce enough detail that it could be amended to an existing policy and clear enough that any/all employees know what the new policy addresses.
    Part 1:
    Write 2-3 paragraphs at the beginning of your paper explaining the three issues you want to address and why.  Follow APA guidelines for paper format and make sure to check spelling/grammar prior to submitting.
    Part 2:
    Write your mini-security policy following the template in textbook addressing the three issues you identified.
    Click on the link to submit your paper.
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