I represent myself as a pencil writing

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I represent myself as a pencil writing so my

Throughout my time in secondary school, I made sure to take a large variety of courses in the art field. I was an active contributor towards the arts nights, the school musicals/plays, and even participated once in the Sears Ontario Drama Festival. I carried this passion into post-secondary and attended the Ontario College of Arts and Design University in downtown Toronto in hopes of receiving a Bachelors Degree of Fine Arts, Drawing Painting. As much as I loved learning new techniques and different formats of expression, the curriculum did not click with my learning styles. I decided to try again at the Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in the Art Fundamentals program. The experience was close to identical in comparison to the time spent at OCADU, so I decided that my artwork would continue as a personal tool rather than a career choice. After months of self-searching and work, I made the decision to use my skills in the workforce, such as organization, time management, and creative thinking, and carry them into an office environment. In order to be prepared for that field, I would need to already have a post-secondary degree or diploma. I did not complete the degree at OCADU or the certificate at SCITAL, so I needed to find a program to complete in order to properly prepare myself for an office environment. One thing I made clear to myself was that regardless of where I work, I will always make my artwork a priority and make my multimedia design services available. I am now a graduate with a diploma in Executive Office Administration, working part-time in a photo lab, and committing myself to my passion as well as my professional career.

I represent myself as a pencil writing gallery wall
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When thinking about marketing myself as a business, I wanted to have a title that was more than just my name. I wanted a title that would represent myself and my passion to help people. Catvice is a term that was coined by a certain friend of mine when he needed advice from myself (Cat + Advice = Catvice). This stuck with me and, personally, it felt perfect. My business is centered around helping people turn their ideas into a reality, for whatever reason. It can be difficult to put a thought on paper, or on a screen for that matter, so my goal with each client is to be that passage, that tool, from invisible to tangible.

This was the first time I had a piece of my artwork hanging on a gallery wall. It was a milestone and fueled my passion to create more.

My creativity is expressed through a wide range of mediums.

  • Graphic Design (Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoDesk Sketchbook)
  • Painting (acrylic, gouache, watercolour, etc)
  • Drawing (pen, marker, pencil, graphite powder, etc)
  • Mixed media (collage, digital + physical, etc)
  • Sound Video (stop motion, music, short film, etc)
  • Writing (poetry, short stories, opinion pieces, etc)

I am accustomed to creating for personal purposes, but if you would like an idea to be made into a reality please contact me as soon as possible.

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