Human Capital Homework Help
Human capital refers to the combined knowledge, skills, and ability of a workforce to perform labor functions and is a vital part of strategic human resource management. Employees, i.e., human capital, are assets that could improve in value with some investment by the organization. Consequently, when an organization’s assets increase in value, the entire organization gains worth. Yet, many employees have resources within them that are rarely, if ever, tapped and used.
For this Assignment, review this Week’s Resources. Review Chapter 2 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Focus on the concept of human capital as it relates to strategic human resource management. Review the “Strategic Human Resource Management” segment on the course media. Think about what makes human resources strategic. Consider how human resources have changed from a largely administrative function. Identify a government or non-profit organization and focus on its use of human capital and strategic human resource management.
The Assignment:
Analyze the impact of human capital on strategic human resource management in the government and non-profit organization you selected. In your analysis:
- Explain the mission of the organization.
- Describe at least 2–3 strategic goals or objectives of the organization.
- Explain the skills and competencies agency personnel need to manage and implement in the agency’s present and future strategic goals, objectives, programs, and services.
- Explain the need for review, redesign, or implementation of human capital programs and activities to attract, retain, develop, and motivate the types of employees that will be needed.
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