How to Write a Narrative Essay?

The essay is an integral part of one’s way of expressing thoughts and opinions. Narrative essays, precisely, are used to account your experiences or certain incidents which obviously hold some significance in your life. Remember how you were told to write essays such as ‘My family trip to Melbourne’ or ‘Our school picnic to Brisbane? Those were indeed a basic form of narrative essays. You were not only supposed to give out narration of the events but also describe each aspect of it in detail.
Narrative essay is written from a certain point of view and so you are supposed to include your own thoughts such as what you liked and what you didn’t like about the incident or event. Narrative essays are one of the simplest and easiest forms of essays because you don’t have to think about the reception by the audience while you are narrating a flow of events.
However, many people face problems in putting up events in the form of a narrative essay and hence, I will discuss a few major points using which you can craft an amazing narrative essay of any of your life incidents. The list is as follows-
1. Read narrative essays
For writing any kind of material, it is extremely essential to read a similar sort of content to understand the basic rules of writing that particular content. However, narrative essays are so versatile that a hundred writers can account their experiences in a hundred different ways. In short, there are no solid restrictions while writing a narrative essay. Even then, I suggest you read a various narrative essay by different authors so as to grasp the flow of events. This helps you structure your own essay in a similar way. Also, you may get an idea to go completely out of the box too.
2. Choose your story
You need to decide what you will write about. Is it about your last weekend trip to a book fest? Or will it be about your vacation to Venice last year? As I said earlier, there are no restrictions. You can even pick up a recent novel you read and narrate its incidents. You can also research your friend’s experiences adding up your own thoughts in the background. It is certainly not necessary for you to stick to a larger experience. You can very well pick up any of the little events that happen in your life such as ‘How I learnt to cook’ or ‘How I wasted my weekend’. It could be anything that you feel can be narrated like a story.
3. Choose the point of view
There is again no restriction on whose point of view you would want to write. Many people have this misconception about narrative essays that you can use only your own point of view. However, you can choose to write from anybody’s point of view. Most writers stick to their own views while few others switch to third-person narration. But I would suggest you try a new point of views. For example, if you are narrating the events of a book, you can narrate from one character’s perspective. Also, you can take up the perspective of someone or something that holds a little or no significance in the story. For instance, you can write from the perspective of the protagonist’s pet dog or parrot.
4. Events in sequence
You should keep special attention on the order of the incidents. It is essential for the reader to know the sequence of the events in the correct order of their occurrence. For instance, while writing about your trip to Melbourne you should narrate the events which happened on the first day of the trip and then move to the second day. This makes your essay organized and easy to comprehend.
5. Detailed descriptions
A narrative essay aims at telling a story and so the reader needs to be immersed in it. Therefore, it is necessary for you to write detailed descriptions of each event you feel is significant. It should be a mere list of events. Try to add various small detail such as the appearance of a place, different sounds of the area. You can also describe the people in the scene. However, do not drag the details and make sure they do not envelope the essence of the story.
6. Author’s remarks
To make a narrative essay interesting and not just a report of events, you can add your own opinions in the form of remarks while describing a few incidents. For example, while describing a delicious meal you ate at some place, you can add on a remark like ‘Oh, I wish I could eat that again’. Basically, your remarks should be short and convey your emotions with ease.
7. Format dialogues
There might be situations where you are required to narrate a conversation between two or more people. It is very important to not make this part of your essay boring. You should use enough connectors to keep the reader engrossed. Also, I suggest you use reported speech while conveying dialogues. Always try not to include a conversation unless it is absolutely necessary to the story. The narrative essay aims at showcasing the plot or the summary of the events. The readers might navigate if you don’t keep that in mind.
8. Introducing the thoughts
In this paragraph, you are supposed to give an outline of your idea. Remember, it is not the outline of your essay. You should give a brief of the story which you are narrating. It is very important for you to craft this piece of your essay in an extremely creative way because readers will decide whether they want to your essay a shot or not. Hence, try to make it as innovative as possible.
9. The body of the essay
Here you begin narrating the events in order, adding up your thoughts in between and blending both of them together. The body is supposed to be the longest part of your essay and that’s why you should aim at weaving pure magic at this point. If the reader finds the narrating monotonous, then you lose the game.
10. Conclusion
Picking up a correct conclusion could be a little tricky. Whether you should put your thoughts or not is a big question every writer faces while finishing up a narrative essay. I suggest you summarize the complete event in a line or two. Another way is to blend your overall agenda of narrating the whole incident. Mention something you learnt from the incident or something you really liked or disliked about it.
Narrative essays are really appreciated when well written since they have the charm to grasp a reader’s attention with utmost significance. You do not require a lot of experience to write a narrative essay but only the will to tell a story through words. Remember that there is no limitation in terms of thoughts, words and emotions that can go into this kind of essay. Try to follow these basic tips to produce a perfect narrative essay. Moreover, don’t forget that you can always use your own intellect and creativity to go out of the box and still materialize amazing content.

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