18th June 2018
Observation essay are first observed then they are noticed down and written in the form as prescribed. When one is writing observation essay then one should carefully watch the incidence that is to be written and then it should be also carefully noticed down that these observation essays are written when something is deeply observed. It should note that in a particular situation the essay is written when the situation that exists is carefully observed as said above then some of things comes in mind that is to be remembered for the long time. With these memories that are set up in the mind the observation is marked with their own way and thus these observations are very important factor in writing the essay because when something is deeply observed and noticed, then it is read out thoroughly and this gives the detailed description of the situation which lies as a matter of fact. It should also be known that writing observation essay becomes sometimes a complicated task and it involves the more readings of the situations that involve the researches and findings based on the conclusion of these observations. The research carried out while writing observation essay totally depends on some of the researches.
This part of the essay will discuss about the research and the observation essay. The research also pays an important role in the observation essay because these observation essays are outlined with these researches and findings. There are suppose when put some research questions then these questions determine the nature of the research for the observation essay and suppose quantitative approach is adopted, this approach helps the reader to understand the observation essay and thus writing observation essay becomes simpler task. It is up to the writer that chooses the observation essay to be more complicated or easy one. For example, one writes an essay about the petroleum oil crisis that exists in the society then one is expected to make the observation first prior to making the draft or the essay. The first part focuses on the crisis of petroleum at the high level where the import of oil in country badly hits the inflation rate and there rises up the price.
Therefore, it is this observation essay that is to be known to the reader so that one understands why observation is needed in the writing of the essay. There are two type of essay that are to be understand firstly, it is based on the observation and secondly it is based on the non-observation yet, it carries out the research that is to be carried on. Let us discuss the first one. It is based on the observation. This part deals with the observation essay that is written when the observation is made by the writers and thus it needs the writers to describe and observe the essay before writing it on the particular topic. The next part is that of the non observation but the research is to be carried out in order to understand the nature of the observation of the essay that is to be written.
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