How to Become a Pro in writing a Reaction Paper

Hello everyone! Have you ever been asked by your instructor/teacher to write a reaction paper? If you are a college student, then there might be more chances that your teacher assign you the task of writing a reaction paper.

But do you know how to write a reaction/response paper? Do you want to become a pro at writing one? Else, do you want to accomplish high grades in your assignment? Do you feel that writing a reaction paper can be daunting? Then, this blog post is just for you! Read out the whole blog and accomplish the tips for writing a reaction paper. In this blog post I will be sharing the following contents with you:

  • What is a Reaction Paper?
  • Types of Reaction Paper
  • Things to consider while writing a Reaction Paper
  • The format of a Reaction Paper
  • How to write a Reaction Paper like a pro?

Read the blog further and update yourself with the knowledge of writing a reaction paper.

What is a Reaction Paper?

What is a reaction paper

A reaction paper is a type of paper in which an author is asked to examine the text and then provide a good or bad review of it. It is an academic assignment that is based on the reaction of the particular thing. Thus, this kind of paper needs dedicated reading, research and then writing.  Initially before start writing the reaction paper, you need to examine the subject and gather the information before giving any reaction to it.

Keep this thing in your mind that while writing a reaction paper, you have two types of targeted audience. First one is the reference which supports journals in selecting best articles for publication and secondly the readers who have in-depth knowledge to acquire the idea of the article.

Do you want to succeed in writing this paper? Then the key to writing is to give your view on a subject and assist your statement in providing satisfaction to your readers. Try to make your readers influenced by your comment. Most of the time reaction paper has been used up for the future references by other writers, so come up with the opinion that convinces other authors.

Purpose of Writing a Reaction Paper

A reaction paper is also known as response paper which is assigned to the students so that they read the subject and then think thoroughly about it. When you are writing a reaction paper, you need to identify the subject strength and weakness. It is not just a paper where you write down your views, but it is a kind of paper which needs a thorough reading of the subject, and then you make some opinions about it.

Some points to remember

Below are some points which you need to remember before writing a reaction paper:

  • When you react on any subject, provide it with some proof and overarching concepts. If you are in favor of the subject, then give the satisfactory proofs about your opinion.
  • If you are reacting to various topics, you first need to examine how the text will be connected.
  • Are you going to react to only one text? Then, relate text with convincing concept and themes.
  • A reaction paper assignment can also be given for field trips, class discussion, lectures, films, or labs.
  • A student’s reaction paper is not a summary of personal expressions. For example, “I love this film because it was entertaining,” or “I hate this movie because acting of the actor was boring.”

Types of Reaction Paper

There are different types of reaction papers. Some of the reaction papers include:

  • Research Paper: The research paper is a kind of academic writing which depends on leading research on the specific topic. It is an expanded essay which presents your elucidations or an argument.
  • Sample Essay: There is not any perfect thing called essay and not an essay can be written excellently. A sample essay is a kind of essay which can be written about any passion or hobby.
  • Persuasive Essay: It is a kind of essay which satisfies a reader about any specific idea.
  • Narrative Essay: It is a kind of essay that describes stories. This essay is not only about any personal story, but it can also be a story of movie or book.
  • Cause and Effect Essay: This is a kind of essay that explains why things usually happen and what are its results.

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Things to Consider while Writing a Reaction Paper

Below are some points to remember while writing a reaction paper:

  • Write your paper logically and make it error free.
  • Write down the main paragraph and only focus on a single point.
  • The reactions which you are making in your paper, you need to assist them with some detailed evidence. Do not use any generic statement in your paper.
  • Give your paper a shape by including a summary, reaction and lastly the conclusion.
  • Make sure to proofread your report to make it free from grammatical errors, spellings or punctuations.
  • Ensure to include citations in your paper from the source you are writing. Make use of suitable referencing style. Ask your teacher for the preferred referencing style.
  • Integrate the publishing data at the bottom of your reaction paper.

The format of a Reaction Paper

Format of a Reaction Paper

The format of this paper is based on the given instruction by the teacher. Primarily, this paper includes different parts. To manage your work correctly, you are required to understand each part of the paper and what it demands. Primarily, this paper is comprised of four sections that include introduction, Body, Conclusion, and list of sources or citations.


It is the central part of a reaction paper which acts as its first face. So make it attractive such that the reader develop an interest in reading it. In the introduction part as a writer, you are required to include a small description of the main issues and idea you are going to discuss in the paper. Do not make your introduction too long, or boring but keep it precise Write introduction of two or three line and then proceed it to the main body.


It is leading section of the paper in which the main ideas of the paper are discussed intensely. In the body part of your paper start your paragraph with the topic sentence. The topic sentence will primarily reflect the idea to be explained in this section. Include the logical evidence to assist your statement. Also, you can add some theoretical sources to support your statement.


In the conclusion part, you are required to link your thesis statement and highlight the main points you have written in the body section. The best way of writing the conclusion is highlighting all the major points and summing up by clarifying your views.

List of Citations

It is essential to include some of the references in your reaction paper. The citations for the reaction paper is the reference from where you research.

How to write a Reaction paper like a pro?

i. Analyze your Assignment before writing

Before starting your assignment, you need to check what exactly your teacher is asking for the assignment. Some teachers ask for reacting after examining and reading but some needs a personal reaction. So, make sure that you understand what exactly you have been asked for.

  • Are you sure what needs to be done in your assignment? If no, then you can ask your instructor to understand the whole assignment.
  • It is also possible that your teacher might ask you to give an opinion on any subject. To write any subject, you can include some quotations.
  • You might also be asked to give your personal views on a subject. Well, this is not common, but sometimes the teacher wants to know whether you have read the text and thought about it carefully.

ii. Check requirements to Write a Reaction Paper

Creating the reaction paper which can impress your teacher and makes you accomplish the grade is much challenging. Before started with your reaction paper you are needed to read the subject thoroughly and make some notes which can assist you to explain the reaction paper in a better way. The primary challenge in writing a reaction paper is that your reaction is satisfactory after the complete analysis of a subject.

Make sure that your reaction is valid from start to the end of the reaction paper. A well-researched reaction paper cannot be overwhelming, but it becomes much interesting. Mainly a reaction paper is corresponding to the compare papers.  Your teacher wants to know your response to anything. Writing a reaction paper is identical to some feeling that supports some logical thoughts, but there is not any place for passive sentences in it.

There are two other factors that matter as well: 


Being the writer of a reaction paper, you need to consider your audience first so that you can write the reaction paper impeccably that engage readers. The particular topic you chose needs to have a specific audience for your arguments. As the audience is the backbone of the reaction paper, so it is essential to consider it.

Gathering the Material

Once you have selected the topic of the reaction paper, now it’s time to gather the material which is relevant to your chosen topic. For assembling the material analyze the requirements so that you can collect the documents pertinent to it.

iii. Examples of a Reaction Paper

Do you want to write an impeccable assignment? Then go through various previously written samples. When you go through the multiple samples, then you will be capable of getting different ideas to write your reaction paper.The teacher instructs the students to write various kinds of reaction paper which can include books or novels. You can quickly find the written samples of paper in a journal or some magazines. Going through various examples may lead to enhance your knowledge.

Tips for writing a Reaction Paper

Tips to write a reaction paper

Make an Outline Before your writing

Outlining your reaction paper from the start results in writing in a right way. So ensure to outline before you initially begin. Make a list to support your theory and have the full chance of justification.

Start your Reaction paper with Introduction.

It is essential to include a summary of the paper which you are going to write. Make sure to add minimum three sentences in the introduction part. Include all the reactions which you are going to write in the paper. At, the section of the introduction, make sure to include the author and title of a book which you are going to summarize further in your paper. Towards the end of the introduction, write down the thesis statement.

Start writing your Reaction in the second paragraph.

Start your body section with your first reaction precisely. Make use of small sentence and assist it with evidence to back up your statement. Also, you can easily refer to work for which you are reacting. For example, you can mention that first chapter is boring and then assist it with some evidence. You can also add some more reactions to your paper.

End it with a conclusion

At the end of your reaction paper, make sure to restate your reactions and highlight main points. Moreover, you can wrap up your paper with some challenge for your readers. If you want to have the creative assignment, end it with an exciting conclusion.

Proofread your paper carefully.

Proofread your paper 2 to 3 times after writing, so that you can quickly come up with a compelling paper which supports your statement. Include some significant points in the conclusion of your reaction paper. Write notes in such a manner that you can use them as references later.


At last, I hope that you might be able to get clear and precise information to write a reaction paper. A well-written paper will help you in gaining higher grades. Well now that you know what it takes to write the best reaction paper assignment. Then will you be able to dedicate your time in doing so? If the answer is still no, then you can avail our online assignment help. To get our assistance, you can easily reach to us on our website.

Thanks for reading! If you like the above information, then let me know through your valuable comments below.

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