History Essay Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)

Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was one of the largest organizations in African American history. Sometimes referred to as the Garvey Movement, the UNIA had millions of followers in the United States. Garvey promoted Black pride and solidarity. He also promoted black nationalism, an idea rooted in the concept that African Americans should establish their own nation and govern their own affairs. He was a strong proponent of the “Back-to-Africa” idea, the idea that African Americans, who faced racial discrimination in the United States, should return to Africa, their ancestral homeland. Garvey was a Pan-Africanist; his vision for black self-reliance was global.
Garvey’s ideas, however, were not new. Earlier generations of African American leaders, especially during the 1850s, promoted some of the same ideas as Garvey. However, unlike Garvey, they were not able to attract millions of followers in the United States and worldwide. Garvey’s success as an organizer was largely the result of pre-existing conditions in the United States.


In a well-written, well-organized, 1-2 page essay, address the following themes:

1. Briefly discuss Marcus Garvey’s Universal Improvement Association.

2. What conditions in American society during the World War I era contributed to Marcus Garvey’s success in convincing African Americans to join the UNIA?

3. What did Garvey’s organization offer African Americans?
4. How did Garvey’s ideas and program for African American advancement differ from Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois?

5. What are your overall impressions of the Garvey movement?

Your book includes a good summary of both Marcus Garvey and the UNIA. In addition, you may want to view the PBS documentary on Garvey that is included in the folder for week 5.

Additional Notes:

1. Only use your class notes, the textbook, and the PBS documentary to write the essay.

2. Plagiarism (copying information word for word from the textbook or any other source) will result in an automatic grade of zero.

3. Be sure to use quotation marks when citing direct passages from the textbook. If you are citing from your textbook, use this format at the end of the sentence: (Carson, Sec. 10:3).

4. If you are citing from the PBS Documentary, be sure to use the following format at the end of the sentence: (PBS Documentary, Marcus Garvey: Look for Me in the Whirlwind). PBS Documentary address link-https://youtu.be/7g_RfSh7Uqg

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