History Essay 19th Century Europe The Industrial Revolution
I. Instructions:In one6-7 page, typed, double-spaced, well-written and proofread essay answer the question presented below. (If the paperis accepted latewithout previous approval, the student’s grade will be reduced one grade for each day it is late.) In this paper you are making an argument, thus your paper should have an introduction, and a THESIS STATEMENT. YOU MUSTuse the Primary Documents from class/Canvas, the in class films, (Amazing Grace), Marx’s The Communist Manifesto, Alison K. Smith’s, “Freed Serfs without Freed People…”,the Evans and Fuchs and Thompson textbooksand lectures to back up your argument. Use specific examples to do this! I recommend you sit down with the question and prepare all the evidence you wish to use to formulate the answer in an outline. Then go to the computer and type up your answer. Spellcheck and THEN PROOFREADyour work. I can’t give you credit for your great ideas if I can’t tell what you are saying. II. The Question:The worldafter 1815 was a very different place than in 1780. In awell argued, well documented and eloquent essay, answer the following question:The French Revolution let the Genie out of the bottle in terms of governments, political ideologies, nationalism, and the fear of war and revolution in the future. The Industrial Revolution transformed people’s lives at every level, including the rise of class politics and other ideologies. We tend to think of this ‘modernization’and ‘progress’as positive.Didthe population of Europeagree? Who welcomed and benefited from these new ideologies,economic changes, and tactics, and who did not, and what was their response between say 1789 –1850?You must include the course readings listed above and your booksto provide specific examples (names, dates, ‘isms’ and events)as evidence to support your argument. Use footnotes so that I can see where you are getting your information. (see previous handout)
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